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im Test: die Marketingplattform mit dem besten Preis-Leistungs-Verhältnis in 2024?

E-Mail-Marketing ist einer der besten Wege, um Fremde in Kunden zu verwandeln – doch wie wählst du die richtige Plattform für deine Anforderungen aus?

In diesem ausführlichen Review nehmen wir Sendinblue unter die Lupe und suchen nach Antworten auf die folgenden Fragen:

  • 🦄Was sind die einzigartigen Vorteile von Sendinblue?
  • 💳Inwiefern ist die Preisgestaltung mit der Konkurrenz vergleichbar?
  • ✔️Was sind die Vor- und Nachteile dieser Plattform?
  • 🏆Ist ein E-Mail-Marketingdienst wirklich das Richtige für dich?

Bevor wir genauer darauf eingehen, was Sendinblue so besonders macht, gehen wir einmal schnell über die Grundlagen, nur um sicherzugehen:

Sendinblue ist eine Marketing-Automatisierungsplattform, die kleinen bis mittelgroßen Unternehmen dabei hilft, ihre Kundenbasis zu vergrößern und Gewinne zu steigern.

Es ist weit davon entfernt, nur ein einfacher E-Mail-Anbieter zu sein. Sendinblue beinhaltet Tools für das SMS-Marketing, Live Chat und Marketing in den sozialen Medien.

Und als Sahnehäubchen obendrauf erlaubt dir das eingebaute Kundenbeziehungsmanagement-System, deine Kontakte zu organisieren und hilft dir dabei, Neukunden zu gewinnen und auch diese dann zu managen.

Sendinblues Alleinstellungsmerkmal?

Sehen wir den Tatsachen ins Gesicht – gewöhnliche Features wie ein E-Mail-Designer mit Drag-and-Drop, Formate, die auch auf mobilen Endgeräten benutzerfreundlich sind, oder die übersichtliche Organisation der Kontakte helfen dir nicht bei der Entscheidung, ob Sendinblue die richtige Wahl für dich ist.

Das behalten wir im Hinterkopf und suchen nun nur nach Features, die diese Plattform von ihren Mittbewerbern abhebt:

  • Erschwingliche Preise sind vielleicht die erwähnenswerteste Sache an Sendinblue – dem Dienst gelingt es, unter dem marktüblichen Preis in diesem Segment zu bleiben, während er vergleichbare Qualität anbietet.

Sendinblue ist mit Abstand der günstigste Dienst, wenn es um Bulk Emailing geht, was wohl der größte preisbildende Faktor bei der Verwendung einer solchen Plattform ist. (Sieh dir den Abschnitt über Vergleiche an, um mehr darüber zu erfahren).

  • Kostenlose Transaktionsmails sind ein weiteres Feature, das woanders schwierig zu finden ist: bei Sendinblue erhältst du ein kostenloses Kontingent von bis zu 100 dieser Mails pro Stunde mit jedem Abo, sogar dem kostenlosen!

Wir sprechen hier von automatisierten, benutzerdefinierten Mails, die für Vorhaben mit großem Volumen eingesetzt werden können, wie Bestätigungsmails, Versandbenachrichtigungen, Auslieferungsbenachrichtigungen oder Passwortzurücksetzungen.

Oh, wo wir gerade von kostenlos sprechen: da gibt es noch ein weiteres Feature von Sendinblue, das es herausragen lässt:

  • Unbegrenzte Kontakte für jedes Abo. Das heißt, es gibt keine Obergrenze für die Anzahl an Kunden, die du in deinem Account speichern kannst.

Wie du siehst schlägt Sendinblue mit dieser Strategie so ziemlich jeden seiner Konkurrenten, wenn es um das Preis-Leistungs-Verhältnis geht 💸

In den folgenden Abschnitten sehen wir uns die Preisgestaltung der Abos etwas genauer an und werden Sendinblue dann mit den nennenswertesten Alternativen visuell vergleichen:

Sendinblues Abos und Preisgestaltung

Es gibt keinen Zweifel, Sendinblue wählt die Preise seiner Abos ganz klar mit dem Gedanken, die Bedürfnisse von kleinen und mittleren Unternehmen zu bedienen.

In dieser Nische gibt es drei erhältliche Abonnements und einen anpassbaren Enterprise-Plan für größere Unternehmen, sowie ein Lite+ Addon , das wir der Übersicht wegen als einzelnes Abo betrachten werden:

Abo Basispreis Wesentliches Feature E-Mail-Limit
Kostenlos Kostenlos! Kostet kein Geld 300 pro Tag
Lite 25$/Monat Kein tägliches Limit 10K-100K pro Monat
Lite+ 37$/Monat Benutzerdefiniertes Branding 10K-100K pro Monat
Premium 65$/Monat >1 Account-Nutzer 20K-1Mio pro Monat
Enterprise Nach Bedarf Mehr von allem So viele wie nötig

Bitte beachte, dass dieser „Basispreis” angibt, wie viel ein Abo bei minimal verfügbarem E-Mail-Limit kostet – als Beispiel: 10K pro Monat für das Lite-Abo.

Sehen wir uns jedes Abo einmal genauer an:

  • Das kostenlose Abo eignet sich am besten für Unternehmer mit einer kleineren Kontaktliste. Hier können pro Tag 300 Mails versendet werden.
  • Mit dem Lite -Abo gibt es kein tägliches Limit – stattdessen zahlst du den Basispreis für ein Paket von 10.000 Mails pro Monat. Je nach Bedarf kannst du dann für einen Aufpreis zusätzliche Mails dazukaufen, wenn du mehr benötigst.
  • Das Lite+ Addon kostet 12$ zusätzlich zum Preis des Lite-Abos und schaltet fortgeschrittene Statistiken und A/B-Testing frei. Und, was außerdem ganz wichtig ist: es erlaubt dir, das Sendinblue-Logo mit deinem eigenen zu ersetzen.
  • Das Premium-Abo bietet eine Reihe weiterer Tools, wie einen Manager für Facebook Ads und einen Baukasten für eine Landing Page. Außerdem kannst du 10 weitere Nutzer zum Account hinzufügen – unverzichtbar für größere Marketing-Teams.
  • Und schließlich gibt es noch das Enterprise-Abo. Eine maßgeschneiderte Lösung für größere Unternehmen mit bereits bestehenden Mailing-Listen und speziellen Anforderungen. Dir wird sogar ein persönlicher Manager bei Sendinblue an die Seite gestellt, der dir dabei hilft, deine Marketing-Kampagne zu optimieren.

Mit allen Abos (inklusive dem kostenlosen Abo), erhältst du eine wirkungsvolle 📧 E-Mail-Automatisierungsplattform mit unlimitierten Kontakten, einem einfach zu installierenden 💬 Live-Chat für deine Kunden und 📊 Analysedaten in Echtzeit.

Welches Abo solltest du also wählen?

– solange du die speziellen Features, wie das Einbetten des eigenen Logos in der Mail oder mehr als einem Nutzer pro Account nicht benötigst, dann hängt die Entscheidung von der Größe deiner Kontaktliste ab, sowie der Anzahl an E-Mails, die du pro Tag/Monat versenden musst. So einfach ist das!

Probiere Sendinblue kostenlos aus

Doch was ist mit anderen vergleichbaren Plattformen? Ist es sinnvoll, Sendinblue seinen Mitbewerbern vorzuziehen? Um diese Frage zu beantworten, benötigen wir einige Grafiken:

Sendinblue vs. Alternativen

Es ist nicht so einfach, Plattformen zur Automatisierung von Marketing zu vergleichen, nicht nur, weil die Preise stark variieren, anhängig von Parametern wie der Anzahl der Kontakte und/oder E-Mails, die pro Monat versendet werden.

(Manchmal kommt es einem so vor, als würden sie das mit Absicht machen 🤐 doch das ist ein anderes Thema.)

Um einen einigermaßen Aussagekräftigen Vergleich anzustellen zu können, schauen wir uns die Kosten für das regelmäßige Versenden von E-Mails an eine Kontaktliste von bestimmter Größe an.

Da Sendinblue der einzige Service ist, der kostenlos unlimitierte Kontakte anbietet, müssen wir die Möglichkeit in Betracht ziehen, dass pro Monat an jeden dieser Kontakte mindestens eine Mail gesendet wird.

Ist das die Zeit überhaupt wert??!

Du wirst überrascht sein…

Um dir das Leben leichter zu machen, haben wir die folgende visuelle Übersicht erstellt, die auf öffentlich verfügbaren Preisrechnern für Sendinblue und zwei seiner Mitbewerber basieren:

Sendinblue vs Mailchimp vs ActiveCampaign

Auf der horizontalen Achse wird die Anzahl der Kontakte angegeben und auf der vertikalen Achse haben wir den monatlichen Preis.

Aus diesem Graphen können wir mindestens drei wichtige Folgerungen ziehen:

  • Bei einer kleineren Kontaktliste (unter 500 Kontakte) bietet Sendinblue keine signifikanten Vorteile, da die meisten anderen Anbieter zu diesen Konditionen ebenfalls kostenlos sind.
  • Wenn deine Kontaktliste (und Mail-Ansprüche) steigen, wird Sendinblue schnell zur Alternative mit dem besten Preis-Leistungsverhältnis – bereits bei 5.000 Kontakten ist es mehr als 2x günstiger als der nächste Mitbewerber!
  • Mit einem noch größeren Publikum (über 5.000 Kontakte/Mails) kannst du mit Sendinblue jeden Monat Hunderte Dollar sparen.

Zieht man außerdem in Betracht, dass Sendinblue viele andere Features, die normalerweise nur in Premium-Paketen stecken, kostenlos anbietet, wie fortschrittliche Segmentation, Transaktions-Mails und Live-Chat, dann ist es relativ offensichtlich, worauf die Wahl fällt.

Vor- und Nachteile von Sendinblue

Bevor wir zum finalen Urteil übergehen, machen wir noch einen kurzen Schritt zurück und fassen die Vorteile und schwächeren Punkte von Sendinblue noch einmal zusammen:

  • Sendinblue ist mehr als nur ein E-Mail-Dienst. Es hebt dein Marketing auf das nächste Level, indem es dir mit ergänzenden Tools wie einem Live-Chat, SMS- und Facebook Ads weiterhilft.
  • Was die Automatisierung angeht, so ist es schwierig, eine kostengünstigere Lösung zu finden – große Einsparungen sind dir garantiert, unabhängig von der Größe deiner Kontaktliste.
  • Du kannst unbegrenzt viele Kontakte einspeichern, ganz unabhängig von deinem Abo (sogar in der kostenlosen Variante!), was bedeutet, dass du nur für das bezahlst, was du versendest.
  • Das Wärmekarte-Feature ist besonders nützlich, um Klick-Muster zu analysieren und deine E-Mails zu optimieren (erhältlich im Premium-Abo).
  • Es gibt mehr als 60 verschiedene E-Mail-Vorlagen für alle Sendinblue-Nutzer, völlig kostenlos – wesentlich mehr als andere Plattformen in den kostenlosen Abos anbieten.
  • Sendinblue ist die einzige Plattform, die aus Europa stammt, und das Thema Datenschutz damit sehr ernst nimmt: alle Tools sind in Übereinstimmung mit den neusten Prinzipien der Datenschutz-Grundverordnung (GDPR) erstellt worden.
  • Transaktions-Mails (gut geeignet für automatisierte Benachrichtigungen) sind in jedem Sendinblue-Abo ohne weitere Kosten enthalten.
  • Landing Pages werden nur ab dem (zweitteuersten) Premium-Abo angeboten. Das einzige Abo, das unbegrenzte Landing Pages anbietet, ist die Enterprise-Variante.
  • Die Plattform lässt Nutzer momentan nur Werbekampagnen für Facebook (und Instagram) erstellen. Du kannst Sendinblue nicht nutzen, um ein Publikum über andere Kanäle zu erreichen, wie beispielsweise Google oder Twitter.
  • Die Einbindung von Drittanbieterdiensten, die stetig wächst, ist noch nicht so umfangreich wie bei anderen Marketingplattformen.

Solltest du Sendinblue nutzen?

Wie wir weiter oben festgestellt haben, ist Sendinblue unter den Plattformen zur Marketing-Automatisierung relativ einzigartig, wobei es seinen Fokus kompromisslos auf ein gutes Preis-Leistungs-Verhältnis richtet.

Wenn wir das im Hinterkopf behalten, sind die folgenden Fälle Situationen, in denen es sich durchaus lohnen würde, Sendinblue auszuprobieren:

  • Neue Projekte – du beginnst gerade, ein Publikum/Kundenstamm aufzubauen und möchtest ein nützliches und kostenloses Marketing-Tool, das mit deinem Unternehmen mitwachsen kann.
  • Bezahl nur, was du versendest – du möchtest nicht nach der Größe deiner Kontaktliste bezahlen, besonders dann nicht, wenn du nicht immer allen auf einmal eine Mail schickst.
  • Kostenbewusst – du möchtest deine Mailing-Ausgaben minimieren, während du noch immer Zugriff auf vielseitige Marketing- und Analyse-Tools hast.

In jedem Fall ist es sehr einfach, die Plattform einmal auszuprobieren, indem du mit dem kostenlosen Abo startest, das eine unbegrenzte Anzahl an Kontakten und 300 Mails pro Tag zulässt:

Probiere Sendinblue kostenlos aus

Andererseits könnte Sendinblue vielleicht nicht die richtige Marketing-Plattform für dich sein, wenn einer der folgenden Punkte auf dich zutrifft:

  • Exotische Integrationen – du nutzt regelmäßig Dienste, für die Sendinblue keine Integration anbietet.
  • Maximale Tools – du ziehst es vor, so viele fortschrittliche Analyse-Tools und Management-Optionen zu haben, wie möglich.
  • Website und E-Commerce – du sucht nach einer Lösung zur Marketing-Automatisierung, die dich eine einfache Website oder einen Onlineshop auf der gleichen Plattform bauen lässt.

Du bist noch unsicher, ob Sendinblue das Richtige für dich ist? Oder vielleicht hast du es ja bereits ausprobiert und möchtest deine Eindrücke teilen? Hinterlasse einen Kommentar weiter unten – helfen wir uns gegenseitig, gut informierte Entscheidungen zu treffen!

Recensione Completa di : la Piattaforma di Marketing più Conveniente nel 2024?

L’email marketing è uno dei modi più efficienti di trasformare degli sconosciuti in clienti: come scegli la piattaforma migliore per le tue necessità?

In questa recensione dettagliata, daremo un’occhiata a Sendinblue in particolare, cercando le risposte alle seguenti domande:

  • 🦄Quali sono i vantaggi unici di Sendinblue?
  • 💳Come si differenzia il prezzo dai suoi competitor?
  • ✔️Quali sono i pro e contro di questa piattaforma?
  • 🏆Questo servizio di email marketing fa davvero al caso tuo?

Prima di entrare nel dettaglio di cosa rende Sendinblue speciale, ripassiamo velocemente le basi, giusto in caso:

Sendinblue è una piattaforma di automazione marketing che aiuta piccole e medie imprese a incrementare la base dei propri clienti e profitti.

Lungi dall’essere un servizio di invio di email, Sendiblue include strumenti per marketing SMS, live chat e social media marketing.

In aggiunta a questo, un sistema integrato di gestione dei rapporti col cliente permette di organizzare i tuoi contatti mentre li guidi verso il processo di conversione.

Cos’ha di Unico Sendinblue?

Diciamoci la verità: funzioni comuni come la progettazione di email drag-and-drop, formati di email per mobile o la segmentazione dei contatti, non ti aiuteranno a decidere se Sendinblue è ciò che fa per te.

Tenendo ciò a mente, vedremo solo le funzionalità che differenziano questa piattaforma della competizione:

  • Il prezzo abbordabile è probabilmente la cosa più rilevante riguardo a Sendinblue; il servizio riesce a mantenersi sotto i prezzi di mercato, offrendo simile qualità.

Sendinblue è decisamente il servizio più economico quando si parla di email di massa, che è il fattore più importante considerato il prezzo che paghi per usare questa piattaforma (vedi la sezione comparativa per maggiori dettagli).

  • Le email transazionali gratuite sono un’altra funzione che è difficile trovare altrove: su Sendinblue, ottieni una quota gratuita fino a 100 di queste email all’ora con ogni piano, incluso quello gratuito!

Per chiarire: queste sono email automatiche personalizzate che possono essere usate per cose come conferme di ordine, notifiche di spedizione, conferme di consegna o reset della password.

Oh, e dato che stiamo parlando di roba gratuita, vale la pena menzionare un’altra funzionalità che fa distinguere Sendinblue:

  • Contatti illimitati per ogni piano significa che non c’è alcun limite massimo per il numero di clienti che puoi avere nel tuo account.

Come puoi vedere, la strategia di Sendinblue è di battere più o meno chiunque in termini di convenienza💸

Nelle sezioni successive daremo un’occhiata al prezzo dei piani in maggiore dettaglio e poi vedremo un paragone grafico di Sendinblue con le sue alternative principali:

Piani e Prezzi di Sendinblue

Non c’è alcun dubbio al riguardo: Sendinblue si impegna a prezzare i propri pacchetti con la chiara visione di venire incontro ai bisogni di piccole e medie imprese.

Ci sono 3 piani disponibili per questa nicchia, e poi c’è il piano personalizzato Enterprise per business più grandi, e anche un addon Lite+ che considereremo un piano a parte per essere più chiari:

Piano Prezzo Funzioni Chiave Limite email
Gratis Gratis! Costo zero 300 al giorno
Lite 19€/mese No limite giornaliero 10K-100K al mese
Lite+ 28€/mese Branding personalizzato 10K-100K al mese
Premium 49€/mese >1 account utenti 20K-1M al mese
Enterprise Su richiesta Più di tutto Tutte quelle che ti servono

Nota che “prezzo base” significa quanto costa un piano con il limite minimo di email disponibili; ad esempio, 10K al mese per il piano Lite.

Diamo un’occhiata più ravvicinata a ciascun piano:

  • Il piano Gratuito è quello più indicato per imprenditori con liste di contatti più piccole, permettendo loro di inviare un massimo di 300 email al giorno.
  • Sul piano Lite non c’è limite giornaliero; invece, paghi un prezzo base per il pacchetto di 10.000 email al mese, che può essere incrementato a un costo addizionale, se te ne servono di più.
  • L’addon Lite+ costa $12 in più rispetto al piano Lite, e sblocca statistiche avanzate, test A/B, e, soprattutto, ti permette di rimpiazzare il logo di Sendinblue col tuo.
  • Il piano Premium prevede un set di strumenti aggiuntivi che includono un gestore di Ad Facebook e un creatore di landing page; inoltre, ti permette di aggiungere fino a 10 account utente: un must per i team di marketing più grandi.
  • Infine, il piano Enterprise è una soluzione personalizzata per le compagnie più grandi con liste di email preesistenti e bisogni specifici. Ottieni anche un manager personale di Sendinblue per aiutarti a ottimizzare le tue campagne di marketing.

In tutti i piani (incluso quello gratuito), ottieni una potente piattaforma di automazione di 📧 email con contatti illimitati, 💬 live chat facile da installare per i tuoi clienti, e 📊 statistiche in tempo reale.

Quindi, quale dovresti scegliere?

A meno che tu non abbia bisogno di una qualsiasi delle funzioni specifiche come il tuo logo nell’email o più di un account utente, la decisione dipende dalla dimensione della tua lista dei contatti e dal numero di email che hai bisogno di inviare al giorno/mese. Semplicissimo!

Prova Sendinblue gratuitamente

E riguardo altre piattaforme simili? Vale la pena considerare Sendinblue anziché i suoi competitor? Per rispondere a questo, avremo bisogno di alcuni grafici:

Sendinblue Contro le Alternative

Non è così facile paragonare le piattaforme di automazione marketing, soprattutto perché i prezzi variano ampiamente a seconda di parametri come il numero di contatti e/o email inviate al mese.

(A volte sembra come se lo facessero di proposito 🤐 ma questo è un argomento per altre discussioni.)

Il modo più semplice di fare un paragone sensato è di guardare al costo di invio di email regolari a una lista di contatti di una certa dimensione.

Dato che Sendinblue è l’unico servizio che offre contratti illimitati gratuitamente, dobbiamo tenere in considerazione la possibilità di inviare almeno 1 email per ognuno di quei contatti al mese.

Ha senso perderci tempo?!

Potrebbe sorprenderti…

Per rendere la tua vita più facile, abbiamo creato la seguente grafica sulla base dei calcolatori di prezzo disponibili al pubblico per Sendinblue e due dei suoi avversari diretti:

Sendinblue vs Mailchimp vs ActiveCampaign

Sull’asse orizzontale, abbiamo il numero dei contatti e su quello verticale abbiamo il prezzo mensile.

Possiamo trarre almeno tre importanti conclusioni da questo grafico:

  • Con liste di contatti più piccole (sotto ai 500 contatti), Sendinblue non offre vantaggi davvero significativi dato che la maggior parte degli altri servizi sono ugualmente gratuiti da questo punto di vista.
  • Come la tua lista di contatti (e necessità di email) cresce, Sendinblue diventa rapidamente l’alternativa più conveniente: già a 5.000 contatti è il doppio più economica dei suoi competitor più vicini!
  • Con un pubblico più ampio (oltre 50.000 contatti/email) puoi risparmiare centinaia di dollari ogni mese su Sendinblue.

Dato che Sendinblue offre molti altri strumenti, normalmente premium, gratis (come segmentazione avanzata, email transazionali e live chat), la scelta sembra alquanto ovvia.

Pro e Contro di Sendinblue

Prima di spostarci al verdetto finale, facciamo qualche passo indietro e riassumiamo i vantaggi e i punti deboli di Sendinblue:

  • Essendo molto più che un servizio di posta elettronica, Sendinblue ti permette di portare il tuo marketing al livello successivo con l’aiuto di strumenti complementari come live chat, SMS e annunci Facebook.
  • Quando si parla di automazione delle email, è difficile trovare una soluzione più conveniente: sostanziosi risparmi garantiti, indipendentemente dalla dimensione della tua lista dei contatti.
  • Puoi conservare contatti illimitati indipendentemente dal tuo piano (persino quello Gratuito!), che significa paghi solo per quello che invii.
  • La funzione heat map è davvero utile per analizzare l’andamento dei click e ottimizzare le tue email (disponibile nel piano Premium).
  • Ci sono più di 60 modelli di email differenti disponibili per tutti gli utenti Sendinblue a costo zero: decisamente di più di quello che altre piattaforme offrono nei loro piani gratuiti.
  • Essendo l’unica piattaforma ad essere cresciuta fuori dall’Europa, Sendinblue prende la protezione dei dati con serietà: tutti gli strumenti sono progettati in accordo con gli ultimi principi di protezione dei dati (GDPR).
  • Le email transazionali (ottime per le notifiche automatiche) sono incluse senza costi aggiuntivi con ogni piano di Sendinblue.
  • Le landing page sono offerte solo a partire dal (secondo più costoso) piano Premium. L’unico piano che offre Landing Page illimitate è quello Enterprise.
  • La piattaforma, al momento, permette agli utenti di creare campagne di annunci solo per Facebook (e Instagram). Non puoi usare Sendinblue per mirare a un pubblico di altri canali come Google o Twitter.
  • La scelta delle integrazioni di terze parti, sebbene in costante aumento, non è ancora estesa come altre piattaforme di marketing.

Dovresti Usare Sendinblue?

Come abbiamo visto sopra, Sendinblue è decisamente unica tra le piattaforme di automazione del marketing, con il suo incessante focus su convenienza e qualità prezzo.

Sulla base di questo, ecco alcuni casi in cui vale sicuramente la pena provare Sendinblue:

  • Nuovi progetti: stai appena iniziando ad accrescere il tuo pubblico e vuoi un potente strumento gratuito di marketing che possa crescere con il tuo business.
  • Paga per quello che invii: non vuoi essere addebitato per la dimensione della tua lista dei contatti, specialmente se non invii email a tutti ogni volta.
  • Attenzione al risparmio: vuoi minimizzare le tue spese per le email pur avendo accesso a diversi strumenti di marketing e statistiche.

In ogni caso, è davvero semplice testare la piattaforma iniziando dal piano Gratuito, che può contenere qualsiasi numero di contatti e ha una capacità di 300 email al giorno:

Prova Sendinblue gratuitamente

Dall’altro lato, Sendinblue potrebbe non essere la soluzione di email marketing giusta per te se una delle seguenti condizioni è vera:

  • Integrazioni esotiche: usi attivamente servizi per i quali Sendinblue non offre integrazioni.
  • Gran numero di strumenti: preferisci avere accesso a più strumenti possibili di resocontazione avanzata e gestione del pubblico.
  • Sito web e ecommerce: stai cercando una soluzione di automazione di marketing che ti lasci creare un sito web base o un negozio online sulla stessa piattaforma.

Ancora indeciso se Sendinblue fa al caso tuo? O forse l’hai già provato e vuoi condividere le tue impressioni? In ogni caso, lascia un commento qui sotto: aiutiamoci a prendere decisioni più informate!

Full Review: the Best Value for Money Marketing Platform in 2024?

Email marketing is one of the most powerful ways of turning strangers into customers – how do you choose the right platform for your needs?

In this detailed review, we will look at Sendinblue in particular, seeking answers to the following questions:

  • 🦄What are the unique benefits of Sendinblue?
  • 💳How does pricing compare to its competitors?
  • ✔️What are the pros and cons of this platform?
  • 🏆Is this email marketing service really for you?

Before we go into details about what makes Sendinblue special, let’s quickly go over the basics, just in case:

Sendinblue is a marketing automation platform that helps small and medium-sized businesses grow their customer base and profits.

Far from being just an email sending service, Sendiblue includes tools for SMS marketing, live chatting, and social media marketing.

To top that off, a built-in customer relationship management system allows organizing your contacts and leads as you guide them through the conversion funnel.

What’s Unique About Sendinblue?

Let’s face it – common features like drag-and-drop email design builder, mobile-friendly email formats or contact segmentation won’t help you decide whether or not Sendinblue is the right fit for your needs.

With that in mind, we’ll only look at the features that differentiate this platform from its competitors:

  • Affordable pricing is probably the most notable thing about Sendinblue – the service manages to stay below market prices, while offering comparable quality.

Sendinblue is by far the cheapest service when it comes to bulk emailing, which is the biggest contributor to the price you pay for using such a platform (see the comparison section for more details).

  • Free transactional emails is another feature that’s hard to find elsewhere: at Sendinblue, you get a free quota of up to 100 such emails per hour with any plan, including the free one!

To clarify – those are automated customized emails that can be used for things like order confirmations, shipping notifications, delivery confirmations or password resets.

Oh, and since we’re on the subject on free stuff, it’s worth mentioning one more feature that makes Sendinblue stand out:

  • Unlimited contacts for any plan mean there’s no upper limit for the number of clients you can store in your account.

As you can see, Sendinblue’s strategy is to more or less beat everyone else when it comes to value for money 💸

In the following sections we’ll look at the pricing plans in more detail and then make a visual comparison of Sendinblue with its main alternatives:

Sendinblue’s Plans and Pricing

No doubt about that –Sendinbluestrives to price its packages with a clear vision of meeting the needs of small and medium-sized businesses.

There are 3 plans available for this niche, and then there’s the custom Enterprise plan for larger businesses, as well as a Lite+ addon which we’ll count as a separate plan for the sake of clarity:

Plan Base price Key Feature Email limit
Free Free! Costs zero money 300 per day
Lite $25/month No daily limit 10K-100K per month
Lite+ $37/month Custom branding 10K-100K per month
Premium $65/month >1 account users 20K-1M per month
Enterprise Upon demand More of everything As many as needed

Note that the „base price” means how much a plan costs with the minimum available email limit – for example 10K per month for the Lite plan.

Let’s take a closer look at each plan:

  • The Free plan is most suited for entrepreneurs with a smaller list of contacts, allowing them to send a maximum of 300 emails per day.
  • On the Lite plan there’s no daily limit – instead, you pay a base price for the package of 10,000 emails per month, which can be increased at additional price if you need more.
  • The Lite+ addon costs $12 on top of the Lite plan and unlocks advanced statistics, A/B testing, and – most importantly – allows you to replace the Sendinblue logo with your own.
  • The Premium plan provides a set of additional tools including a Facebook Ads manager and a landing page builder; moreover, it allows adding up to 10 account users – a must-have for larger marketing teams.
  • Finally, the Enterprise plan is a personalized solution for larger companies with pre-existing mailing lists and specific needs. You also get a personal manager at Sendinblue to help you optimize your marketing campaigns.

In all plans (including the free one), you get a powerful 📧 email automation platform with unlimited contacts, easy-to-install 💬 live chat for your customers, and 📊 real-time analytics.

So, which one should you choose?

– unless you need any of the specific features like your own logo in the email or more than one account user, the decision depends on the size of your contacts list and the number of emails you need to send per day/month. As simple as that!

Try Sendinblue for free

How about other similar platforms? Is it worth considering Sendinblue over its competitors? To answer that, we’ll need some graphs:

Sendinblue Versus Alternatives

It’s not so easy to compare marketing automation platforms, not least because the pricing varies wildly depending on parameters like number of contacts and/or emails sent per month.

(Sometimes it feels like they do that on purpose 🤐 but that’s a topic for a different discussion.)

The closest we can get to a meaningful comparison is by looking at the cost of regularly emailing a certain sized contact list.

Since Sendinblue is the only service that offers unlimited contacts at no cost, we have to take into account the possibility to send at least 1 email to each of those contacts per month.

Is it even worth the time?!

You’ll be surprised…

To make life easier for you, we’ve built the following visualization based on the publicly available price calculators for Sendinblue and two of its direct competitors:

Sendinblue vs Mailchimp vs ActiveCampaign

On the horizontal axis we have the number of contacts and on the vertical axis we have the monthly price.

We can make at least three important conclusions from this graph:

  • With smaller contact lists (below 500 contacts) Sendinblue doesn’t offer any significant advantages since most other services are also free at this point.
  • As your contact list (and emailing needs) grows, Sendinblue quickly becomes the most affordable alternative – already at 5,000 contacts it’s more than 2x cheaper than the closest competitor!
  • With larger audiences (over 50,000 contacts/emails) you can save hundreds of dollars each month on Sendinblue.

Given that Sendinblue offers many other, normally premium tools for free – like advanced segmentation, transactional emails, and live chat – the choice seems quite obvious.

Pros and Cons of Sendinblue

Before we move on to the final verdict, let’s take a step back and summarize the advantages and weaker points of Sendinblue:

  • Being much more than an emailing service, Sendinblue lets you take your marketing to the next level with the help of complementary tools like live chat, SMS, and Facebook ads.
  • When it comes to email automation, it’s difficult to find a more affordable solution – serious savings guaranteed, regardless of the size of your contact list.
  • You can store unlimited contacts regardless of your plan (even on Free!), which means you only pay for what you send.
  • The heat map feature is really useful for analyzing click patterns and optimizing your emails (available in the Premium plan).
  • There are more than 60 different email templates available for all Sendinblue users at no cost – considerably more than other platforms offer on their free plans.
  • Being the only platform that grew out of Europe, Sendinblue takes data protection seriously: all tools are designed in alignment with the latest data protection principles (GDPR).
  • Transactional emails (great for automated notifications) are included free of charge with any Sendinblue plan.
  • Landing pages are offered only starting from the (second-most expensive) Premium plan. The only plan that offers unlimited Landing Pages is Enterprise.
  • The platform currently only enables users to create ad campaigns for Facebook (and Instagram). You can’t use Sendinblue to target audiences from other channels such as Google or Twitter.
  • The choice of third-party integrations, while constantly growing, is still not as extensive as with some other marketing platforms.

Should You Use Sendinblue?

As we’ve seen above, Sendinblue is quite unique among marketing automation platforms, with its relentless focus on affordability and value for money.

With that in mind, here are some cases when it’s definitely worth trying Sendinblue:

  • New projects – you are just starting to grow your audience and want a powerful free marketing tool that can grow with your business.
  • Pay for what you send – you don’t want to be charged for the size of your contact list, especially if you’re not emailing all of them all the time.
  • Cost conscious – you want to minimize your emailing expenses, while still having access to a diverse set of marketing and analytics tools.

In any case, it’s very easy to test the platform by starting with the Free plan, which can accommodate any number of contacts and has a 300 emails/day allowance:

Try Sendinblue for free

On the other hand, Sendinblue may not be the right email marketing solution for you if one of the following is true:

  • Exotic integrations – you are actively using services for which Sendinblue doesn’t offer integrations.
  • Maximum tools – you prefer to have access to as many advanced reporting and audience management tools as possible.
  • Website and ecommerce – you are looking for a marketing automation solution that lets you build a basic website or online store on the same platform.

Still unsure whether Sendinblue is right for you? Or maybe you’ve already tried it and want to share your impressions? In any case, leave a comment down below – let’s help each other make the most informed decision!

The Ultimate Review 2024: Who Should Use This Platform and Why?

On-demand video is eating the Internet! The global subscription streaming revenue has skyrocketed x20-fold over the last decade, and is predicted to double again in the following years:

OTT market growth

Up until recently, this market used to be reserved for the giants like Netflix and Prime Video, but things are changing rapidly –

With platforms like Uscreen, literally anyone can now monetize their video content, without writing a single line of code.

In this in-depth review, we will focus on the most important insights to help you determine whether Uscreen is right for you:

  • 🎥What are the key features of Uscreen?
  • 🦄How is Uscreen different from its alternatives?
  • 💰How much is Uscreen and is the pricing reasonable?
  • 👍Who should use Uscreen and why?

Before we dive into details, it’s worth taking a minute to ensure we’re on the same page (or frame?):

What Exactly Is Uscreen?

First of all, let’s get one thing out of the way: the Uscreen we’re talking about here has nothing to do with a drug screening kit which accidentally has the same name 🙄

In our case Uscreen (where “screen” refers to a TV/gadget screen) is an online service that allows creating your own video subscriptions. In other words:

It’s designed to be a one-stop-shop for anyone looking to sell on-demand OTT video streaming services – in some sense, becoming a little Netflix in their own right!

Wait, can you hear that? Yes, it’s the abbreviations alarm! The relevant ones you need to know right now are:

  • OTT, or “over-the-top” platform, is a solution that brings video content directly to viewers over the Internet, bypassing cable or satellite TV (i.e. a platform like Uscreen)
  • SVOD, AVOD, and TVOD are the three most popular video monetization methods, which stand for Subscription (pay per period), Ad (pay with ads), and Transactional (pay per video) Video On Demand, respectively.

With Uscreen, you’re free to set your own prices for the videos you sell, and you can monetize using the SVOD and TVOD methods.

So is there anything that makes this platform special? Let’s look at some of the notable features:

Unique Features of Uscreen

Given the explosive rise of the video-on-demand market we mentioned earlier, it would be weird if Uscreen was the only available option…

So in order to help you make a more informed choice, we’re going to discuss what sets it apart from the alternative solutions like Muvi, Zype, or Vimeo:

  • The smoothest user experience when setting up your video subscription service: unlike with most other OTT platforms,

The initial setup is beginner-friendly and carefully guides you through only the necessary steps, while leaving room of ample customization down the road.

In other words, it’s obvious from a single glance that Uscreen takes usability seriously 😎

  • Customizable themes for your video channel and apps offer a drag-and-drop visual editor that doesn’t require any coding.

If you’ve had some experience with WordPress, you will immediately feel at home in Uscreen’s intuitive interface which lets you individually edit each element of each page:

Uscfreen editor

By the way, this doesn’t mean that you can’t also customize the code of the template if you have the necessary skills!

  • Marketing tools are one of our favourite parts of the Uscreen kit – a set of simple yet powerful add-ons to help you maximize your channel profits.

One unique tool worth noting here is the Leadzen: a step-by-step form that lets you create full-fledged marketing funnels right inside the Uscreen platform.

This means that you can set special pricing terms 💳 and automated email follow-ups 📧 for users coming from specific content / lead magnets 🧲 on your website. In the days of yore you’d need a whole bunch of separate tools for that!

  • Super-flexible pricing: when it comes to affordability, Uscreen is hard to beat. In the next section we will look closer at its subscription plans –

Uscreen Pricing Explained

In the spirit of user friendliness, Uscreen only has 3 simple plans which don’t really overlap in terms of target audience (i.e. choosing the right one for you is a no-brainer):

  • The Basic plan ($49/mo with yearly billing) is for first-time streamers and includes everything you need to kickstart an OTT channel – from a content management system to payment gateways and marketing tools.
  • The Amplify plan ($399/mo) implies you already have a certain user base and helps you grow your OTT business with additional features such as live streaming and chat, affiliate tracking, as well as 1000+ third-party integrations.
  • Finally, the Enterprise plan is meant for established streamers with at least 500-1000 existing subscribers, and includes native mobile and TV apps to widen your reach, as well as API access and personalized support.

You’ll need to contact Uscreen for a custom quote on the Enterprise plan, but as a ballpark expect to pay ~$500 per app.

Getting back to the Basic and Amplify, there are two things to keep in mind: first, annual billing cycles are heavily discounted vs monthly billing: e.g. the Basic plan costs 50% less if you pay for a year!

Secondly, there’s an additional variable component of $0.50 per subscriber, regardless of your Uscreen plan.

Try Uscreen, free for 2 weeks

To make the pricing more visual, here’s what your total monthly expenses will look like as your audience grows:

Uscreen pricing

The key takeaway is this: Uscreen charges a predictable fee based on a flat component plus a fixed half a dollar per subscriber –

Compared with other OTT platforms, this is a really simple and affordable scheme: no extra bandwidth, storage, or encoding fees, and the lowest per-subscriber fee on the market.

As a cherry on top 🍒 there’s a 14-day free trial for Basic and Amplify plans (you’ll still need to leave your card details), as well as a 30-day money-back guarantee.

Pros and Cons of Uscreen

Alright, before we move on to the final verdict, let’s sum up Uscreen’s strengths and weaknesses in a single giant list:

  • Uscreen is an easy to use all-in-one platform with all the tools you need to start or grow your streaming business
  • The Basic plan is a truly affordable offer for new video-on-demand entrepreneurs, with some of the lowest costs in the industry
  • No hidden fees: Uscreen offers predictable pricing consisting of a flat fee plus a fixed per-subscriber component
  • Customizable themes allow you to style your channel to match your brand – no coding required (although possible, if you’re into it)
  • A set of powerful marketing tools, from coupons and abandoned cart recovery to automated lead funnels, is what really makes Uscreen a 360° solution
  • Diverse integrated payments gateway based on Stripe,, PayPal, as well as Uscreen’s proprietary solution allows you to accept payments from nearly any country in the world
  • Branded OTT apps for mobile and TV platforms, available in the Enterprise plan (you need to contact Uscreen sales for a custom quote)
  • Over 1000 integrations with third-party services like Mailchimp or Salesforce are available on the Amplify and Enterprise plans
  • Friendly support over the phone and 24/7 online support on any Uscreen plan
  • No YouTube-style AVOD (ad-based) monetization option is offered on the Uscreen platform, only SVOD and TVOD [say what?!]
  • In order to cancel a Uscreen account or trial you need to contact support or type “cancel account” in the live chat – a more obvious cancellation button in the billing area would make more sense
  • Affiliate payouts are not available directly on the platform – you can track referrals in your Uscreen dashboard, but you’ll need to set up your own payment schedule

Alright, we’re ready to answer our initial question – whether it’s worth using Uscreen and who should use it.

Verdict: Should You Use Uscreen?

A picture is worth a ton of typing, so we’ve made a little something for you to really visualize the decision space when it comes to choosing a video platform. You can click 🖱️ on the image to view it full-size:

Should I use Uscreen?

…Let’s spell it out as well, shall we? If you don’t think people will be willing to pay to watch your videos, Uscreen is not for you – try AVOD based monetization platforms instead.

If you’re looking for a way to earn money from your videos by creating paid, members-only streaming subscriptions or pay-per-video channels for a broad range of topics, Uscreen is the way to go:

Try Uscreen for free ›

Compared to other similar OTT platforms, Uscreen is especially user-friendly and easy on your wallet, so its Basic plan is a perfect fit for beginner streamers.

Meanwhile, the Amplify and Enterprise plans ensure there’s plenty of room to grow and scale your video-on-demand business.

Any questions left unanswered? Hit us in the comments section below or share your own experience with Uscreen!

Disclaimer: some of the links in this review have affiliate tags, so if you liked this guide and decide to give Uscreen a try, consider doing so via our links – this does not affect the price you get at Uscreen. Thanks!

Galutinė apžvalga: ar 30 milijonų žmonių turi teisę jį pasirinkti?

Hostinger yra vienas iš prieinamiausių variantų tarp hostingo milžinų šiandien. Bet „didelis ir pigus“ nebūtinai kažką reiškia –

„Titanikas“ taip pat buvo didelis, o kai kurie bilietai buvo gana prieinami…

Taigi, vietoj ekstrapoliacijos, šioje išsamioje apžvalgoje analizuosime faktus ir duomenis, kad išsiaiškinti ar Hostinger yra vertas jūsų pinigų.

Verdikto santrauka: pagrindiniai Hostinger privalumai yra paprastumas ir mažos išlaidos, todėl tai puikus pasirinkimas mažiems ir vidutiniams interneto projektams. Tiek kūrėjai, tiek svetainių savininkai gali rasti tinkamą variantą iš Hostinger pasiūlymų asortimento.
Kaina: ar tai kainos ir kokybės santykis? Skaityti daugiau
Serveriai ar tai greita ir patikima? Žiūrėti duomenis
Funkcijos: ką jūs gaunate kaip klientas? Išsami informacija
Klientų aptarnavimas: ar jis prieinamas ir naudingas? Sužinokite

Beje, kai Hostinger nusprendė dėl savo prekės ženklo, jie tikriausiai nenumatė daugybės skirtingų būdų, kaip jį galima rašyti neteisingai.

Taigi, jei esate čia ieškodami hostenge ar hosinger arba net hostiger – tiesiog žinokite, kad taip, tai būtent ta pati įmonė, apie kurią čia kalbame :)

Kiek didelis yra Hostinger?

Kad suprastumėte, koks didelis Hostinger yra, štai keletas skaičių: įmonė dabar turi daugiau nei 30 milijonų klientų 170+ šalyse (beveik kiekvienoje pasaulio šalyje!)

Lėtėjimo požymių nėra – pagal jų duomenis plečiasi tokiu greičiu, kad kas 5 sekundes 1 naujas klientas.

faktai apie Hostinger

Tačiau, kaip ir galima tikėtis, Hostinger ne visada buvo tarptautinis milžinas, koks yra šiandien. Kai viskas prasidėjo dar 2004 m., nuo tada Hostinger išaugo iš vienos idėjos:

Žmonės nenori mokėti už mūsų rinkodarą – tik hostingą: paprastą, patikimą ir kuo pigesnę.

Po daugelio metų šis principas vis dar išlieka Hostinger esmė, būtent aukštos kokybės paslaugos už mažiausią įmanomą kainą.

Pažvelkime į pasiūlymą:

Tinkamo Hostinger plano pasirinkimas

Būdamas didžiulis tarptautinis tiekėjas, Hostinger siūlo daugybę sprendimų visų tipų privatiems ir verslo poreikiams patenkinti.
Dalinamasis hostingas, debesų hostingas, WordPress, VPS – tai gali labai greitai supainioti! 🤯

Neišsigąskite, čia yra paprastas vadovas:

  1. Ar tikitės, kad jūsų svetainėje bus daugiau nei 10 000 lankytojų per mėnesį? Jei jūsų atsakymas yra „NE“ (arba „NETURIU IDĖJOS“), eikite į dalijąmą hostingą!

    Mes rekomenduojame Premium planą, nes jame yra nemokamas domeno vardas, bet jei jūs turite vieną Atskirą planą, bus gerai!

    Jei atsakėte „TAIP“ – kitaip tariant, jei kuriate intensyviai lankomą svetainę, eikite link kito klausimo:

  2. Ar jums reikalinga labai optimizuota WordPress svetainė verslui? Jei jūsų atsakymas yra „TAIP“, apsvarstykite Hostinger valdantį WordPress pasiūlymą.

    Jei ieškote ko nors sudėtingesnio ir lankstesnio (t.y. atsakėte „NE“), patikrinkite kitą žingsnį:

  3. Ar jums reikia profesionalaus serverio su tam skirtais ištekliais? Jei atsakėte „TAIP“, tada Virtualus privatus serveris , arba VPS hostingas atitiks jūsų poreikius.

    Atminkite, kad naudojantis VPS reikia specialių žinių, taigi, jei nesate susipažinę su serverio nustatymais, vietoj to išbandykite vieną iš ankstesnių parinkčių!!

    VPS hostingas siūlo geriausią kainos ir kokybės santykį mažesniems profesionaliems projektams 👓 – taigi yra tinkamesnis produktas kuriant ką nors didesnio:

  4. Pagaliau, jei jums reikia keičiamo dydžio sprendimo dideliam projektui, neabejotinai eikite į debesų hostingą

    Tai yra lanksčiausia parinktis, leidžianti nedelsiant papildyti išteklius ir garantuojanti geriausią jūsų svetainės ar žiniatinklio programos veikimo laiką.

…Palaukite, bet ar apskritai turėčiau rinktis Hostinger? Norint atsakyti į šį klausimą, mums reikės daugiau duomenų:

– tolesnėse šios apžvalgos dalyse analizuosime Hostinger technines charakteristikas, 🤓 taip pat pateisime mūsų pačių įspūdžius, naudojant šį teikėją.


Hostinger veikimo laikas ir greitis: kiek patikimas yra šis teikėjas?

Be funkcijų ir kainų, dar vienas itin svarbus hostingo pasirinkimo kriterijus yra jo stabilumas – kitaip tariant, serverio veikimo laikas ir greitis.

Norėdami išmatuoti veikimo laiką arba Hostinger serverių veikimo laiko proporcijas, galime pažvelgti tiek į save, tiek į trečiųjų šalių duomenis.

Pirmasis yra laisvai prieinami jų serverio monitoriaus puslapis. Joje pateikiama visų Hostinger 150+ serverių dienos, savaitės ir mėnesio statistika, kuri atrodo maždaug taip:

Hostinger uptime

Lentelės apačioje galite rasti visų serverių suvestinius skaičius, kurie mus domina:

Peržiūrėkite 30 dienų vidurkį, kad suprastumėte, kiek laiko jūsų svetainė gali būti neprijungta, per bet kurį mėnesį.

Kaip irMay 2024 šis skaičius yra apie 99.9% – tai reiškia, kad hostingo svetainėje prastovos per mėnesį turėtų būti tik 42 minutės, o tai daugumai yra įprastas rezultatas šiuolaikinių hostingo paslaugų teikėjų.

Tai taip pat atitinka 99.908% skaičių, nepriklausomai matuojamą Hranko, taip pat neviršijant Hostinger paslaugų veikimo laiko garantijos ribų 99.9% pagal 7 Hostingo sutartes skyrių.


Kaip dėl greičio? Tai yra šiek tiek sudėtingiau, nes tai gali priklausyti nuo daugelio skirtingų veiksnių, išskyrus hostingo paslaugų teikėjo techninės įrangos.

Tinklalapio įkėlimo laikas labai priklauso nuo tokių dalykų kaip bendras puslapio vaizdų dydis, aktyvių WordPress prisijungimų skaičiaus ir kita su hostingo nesusijusia informacija..

Taigi prasminga atsižvelgti tik į atsakymų laiką – kuris yra vidutinis laikas (milisekundėmis), kurio reikia serveriui, kad jis atsakytų į gaunamą ryšio užklausą (t.y. kažkas bando pasiekti to serverio svetainę) .

Remiantis Hrank robotų trečiųjų šalių duomenimis, vidutinis Hostinger atsakymo laikas svyruoja apie 800 ms:

Hostinger uptime

Vidutinis Hostinger atsako laikas, matuojamas Hranku (mažesnis yra geresnis)

Tiesą sakant, galima pastebėti, kad pastaraisiais metais vidutinis Hostinger atsakymo laikas mažėjo (= greitesnės svetainės), iš dalies dėl infrastruktūros atnaujinimo.

Viskas, kas yra trumpiau nei 1000 ms pirmajam atsakymo laikui, yra geras rezultatas bendrojo hostingo paslaugų teikėjui ir Hostinger kaina yra geresnė nei dauguma kitų didelių tarptautinių paslaugų teikėjų.

Gerai, dabar, kai jau peržiūrėjome faktus, pereikime nuo vidurkio prie savo asmeninių įspūdžių:

Mūsų Hostinger naudojimo įspūdžiai

Kaip aptarėme anksčiau, Hostinger siūlo įvairias paslaugas tiek pradedantiesiems, tiek profesionalams.

Šioje apžvalgoje atidžiau pažvelgsime dalijąmą hostingą, nes tai yra pats populiariausias Hostinger produktas.

Kaip įprasta, pirmas žingsnis yra pirkimo planas.

Kai atliksite užsakymą, gausite prieigą prie hostingo administratoriaus skydelio – čia tvarkysite savo hostingo paskyrą.

Hostinger siūlo pasirinktinį administratoriaus skydą, kurį sukūrė įmonės vidiniai kūrėjai. Mes pastebėjome, kad jis gana patogus naudoti ir lengvai valdomas, net lyginant su plačiai naudojamomis alternatyvomis, tokiomis kaip „cPanel“ ar „Plesk“.

Viską, ko jums reikia, vaizduoja plytelės su paveikslėliais, tvarkingai sugrupuotos į grupes, kad galėtumėte greičiau rasti paslaugas. Norėdami lengviau pasiekti norimus elementus, taip pat galite naudoti viršuje esančią paieškos juostą.

Norėdami sukurti svetainę, galite naudoti Automatinę diegimo programą
sukurti turinio valdymo sistemą, tokią kaip WordPress – arba naudokite „drag and drop“ svetainės kūrimo priemonę iš vadinamosios Hostinger produktų šeimos Zyro.

Abi parinktis galima pasiekti hostingo administratoriaus skydelio skiltyje Svetainė.

Beje, Zyro svetainės kūrėjas yra įdomus atvejis, kai pusiau iškeptas produktas gali sėkmingai sugrįžti.

Kai mes pirmą kartą peržiūrėjome Hostinger 2017 m., Zyro buvo netvarkinga – tai atrodė kaip per anksti išleisto startuolio idėjos ir apleistas senas produktas.

Tai truko tam tikrą laiką, tačiau 2020 m. pradžioje Zyro buvo visiškai rekonstruotas:

Hostinger Zyro

Dabar tai atrodo labiau kaip šiuolaikinis svetainių kūrėjas 😎 Šablonai vis dar yra gana riboti, tačiau bent jau dabar dizainai atrodo tvarkingi ir atnaujinti.

Be geresnių vaizdų ir 1M + vaizdų kolekcijos, Zyro dabartinės funkcijos pora intriguojančių dirbtinio intelekto produktų:

  • AI rašytojas, automatinė sistema, kuri jūsų klausia temos ir kuria kelias (labai žmogiškai skambančio) teksto norima tema dalis. Tai vis dar nėra tobula, tačiau tai gali būti puiki pagalba sulaužant rašytojo bloką..
  • AI Heatmap įrankis, kuris analizuoja jūsų tinklalapių lankytojų peržiūras ir nurodo, kur įdėti svarbiausius jūsų puslapio elementus, pvz., raginimo veikti mygtukus.

Beveik magija!

Apskritai naują kartojimą Zyro galima rekomenduoti visiems, norintiems sukurti paprastą svetainę, susidedančią iš vieno ar kelių statinių puslapių.

Tiems, kuriems reikia daugiau lankstumo ir daugiau funkcijų, WordPress vis tiek yra geriausias pasirinkimas.

Hostinger klientų aptarnavimas

Jei jau esate klientas, galite paprašyti Hostinger komandos pagalbos 24/7 per tiesioginį pokalbį, kuris yra apatiniame dešiniajame hostingo administratoriaus skydelio kampe.

Norėdami patikrinti aptarnavimo kokybę, per pokalbį uždavėme jiems klausimus: atsakymo laikas buvo labai greitas (paprastai vos kelios sekundės), o Hostinger atstovas visada buvo draugiškas, mandagus ir paslaugus.

Kvailos katės nuotraukos buvo naudojamos jūsų nuotaikai praskaidrinti, kol mes laukėme atsakymų 🐈

Be tiesioginio pokalbio, yra nemokama biblioteka, turinti naudingų straipsnių apie visus Hostinger produktus ir paslaugas. Ją rasite spustelėję nuorodą „Pagalba“ viršutiniame hostingo administratoriaus skydelio meniu.

Joje taip pat pateikiamas dažniausiai užduodamų klausimų sąrašas – didelė tikimybė, kad ten jau bus išspręsta jūsų problema.

… Ką daryti, jei nesate klientas?

Tokiu atveju galite išsiųsti pranešimą Hostinger komandai per jų svetainėje esančią kontaktinę formą.

Natūralu, kad tai nebus toks greitas, kaip tiesioginis pokalbis, bet neabejotinai jūsų klausimas nebus
toks skubus taip pat :) bet kokiu atveju, jūs vis tiek gausite atsakymą per porą valandų ; ilgiausias mūsų bandymų atsakymo laikas buvo 7 valandos.

Beje, ar žinojote, kad galite užduoti klausimų ir apie Hostinger? Patikrinkite šią formą teksto apačioje!

Apskritai Hostinger sugebėjo viršyti mūsų lūkesčius kai kalbama apie aptarnavimo kokybę. Mes matėme daug blogesnių situacijų net iš konkuruojančių bendrovių, turinčių aukštesnes kainas.

30 dienų pinigų grąžinimas ir Hostinger paskyros atšaukimas

Jei slinksite Hostinger oficialiame pagrindiniame puslapyje žemyn į poraštę pamatysite išrašą, kuriame siūloma grąžinti jūsų užsakymą per pirmąjį mėnesį (tiksliau – 30 dienų) po apmokėjimo.

Nors pinigų grąžinimo garantija yra pagirtina savybė, bet kuriam save gerbiančiam hostingo paslaugų teikėjui, verta atkreipti dėmesį į kai kurias smulkias šrifto detales – įsitikinkite, kad žinote, kokiomis aplinkybėmis prašysite grąžinti. :

  • Naujų domenų vardų registraciją galima atšaukti tik per 4 dienas (96 valandas) po pirkimo operacijos atlikimo. Dauguma kitų didelių hostingo paslaugų teikėjų visiškai nesiūlo grąžinti lėšų už naujus domenus.
  • Atsižvelgiant į ankstesnį punktą, vis dar yra ilgas sąrašas domenų, kurie nepalaiko lėšų grąžinimo; tai apima beveik visus konkrečiai šaliai ir regionui skirtus plėtinius, taip pat kai kuriuos bendruosius .mobi ir .info.
  • Kai kurie kiti elementai, kurie neįskaičiuojami į 30 dienų pinigų grąžinimo garantiją, yra domeno atnaujinimas, privatumo apsaugos paketai ir SEO įrankių rinkiniai.
  • Galiausiai, jūs negalite grąžinti pirkinius, įsigytus naudojant kriptovaliutas (taip, Hostinger leidžia mokėti už jūsų užsakymus naudojant Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin ir daugybę kitų populiarių monetų).

Gerai, o jei nuspręsite atšaukti paskyrą po daugiau nei 30 d.? – pavyzdžiui, jums nebereikia hostingo, nes nutraukėte atitinkamą interneto projektą.

Galite lengvai išjungti hostingo planus ir domenus naudodami hostingo valdymo skydelį, tiesiog ieškokite elemento „Deaktyvinti paskyrą“ su dideliu raudonu stop ženklu:

Įdomu tai, kad nors atskiros paslaugos yra lengvai atšaukiamos ir pašalinamos, Hostinger nesiūlo paprasto būdo visiškai ištrinti asmeninę paskyrą įmonėje (nurodydamas „saugumo sumetimus“).

Išjungus visas toje paskyroje esančias paslaugas, tai neturėtų kelti realių problemų (jums tikrai nebereikės mokėti), o tiems, kurie mėgsta kruopščiai ištrinti viską po savęs, yra strategija, kuri gali veikti: paprasčiausiai paprašykite Hostinger aptarnavimui ištrinti paskyrą .

Jei esate Europos Sąjungoje, galite tik parašyti žodžius, pvz GDPR bei įsitikinti, ar jūsų prašymas patenkintas; kitų regionų gyventojai turės labiau pasikliauti įmonės gera valia.

Ką dar internetas nori žinoti apie Hostinger?

Prieš apibendrindami stipriąsias ir silpnąsias Hostinger puses, pateikiame dažniausių klausimų, kuriuos matėme internete ir mūsų komentaruose, rinkinį:

Ar Hostinger yra tikrai nemokamas? Na, nebe … Ką reiškia „daugiau“? Įdomus faktas – anksčiau tai buvo dalis pirmųjų bandymų greitai užvaldyti įvairias tarptautines rinkas, tačiau šiais laikais tai yra mokamas hostingas, nors tikrai agresyvi pigių kainų strategija.

Ar Hostinger yra geras WordPress? Visiškai. Tai galime lengvai pavadinti viena iš geriausių kainos ir kokybės santykio galimybių, kurias teikia savarankiška hostingo WordPress svetainė, mūsų reitingas yra tarp geriausių „pigiausių“ šeimininkų).

Ar Hostinger yra patikimas? Trumpas atsakymas – taip, tikrai. Ilgesnis atsakymas – už mažmeninės prekybos hostingo sprendimą, kuris kainuoja dalelę to, ką kiti dideli paslaugų teikėjai iš jūsų ims, Hostinger yra stebėtinai gerai pasirengęs teikti be pertraukų hostingą su integruotomis galingomis saugos funkcijomis.

Hostinger privalumai ir trūkumai

Dabar, išnagrinėję Hostinger produktus ir paslaugas, taip pat klientų aptarnavimą, apibendrinkime teigiamas ir neigiamas puses. Mes stengsimės būti kuo objektyvesni:

  • Puikus kainos ir kokybės santykis: labai konkurencingos kainos visiems hostingo paketams – kaip sako Hostinger, „jūs mokate tik už hostingą, o ne už rinkodarą”.
  • Lankstūs pasiūlymai bet kokio tipo klientams – pradedant individualiomis ir mažomis įmonėmis (bendrasis hostingas), baigiant didelėmis įmonėmis ir profesionaliais programuotojais (VPS ir debesys)
  • 99.9% veikimo laiko garantija – iš esmės Hostinger žada, kad jūsų svetainė visą laiką bus prieinama internete. Šis skaičius reiškia ne daugiau kaip 44 minutes prastovos per mėnesį, o tai, praktikos metu, yra beveik 0 minučių, pagal mūsų testus.
  • Įsigiję hostingą, galite gauti nemokamą domeno vardą, jei pasirinksite bent 12 mėnesių paketą
  • Galite pasirinkti tarp populiarių hostingo prietaisų skydelių, tokių kaip „cPanel“, arba naudoti Hostinger patentuotą sprendimą (kuris visai neblogas))
  • WordPress (ar bet kuris kitas populiarus svetainės variklis) gali būti įdiegtas vos keliais paspaudimais naudojant Automatinės diegimo programos funkciją iš hostingo administratoriaus skydelio
  • Hostinger svetainių kūrėjas, vadinamas „Zyro“, buvo visiškai atnaujintas 2020 m., ir dabar juo malonu naudoti
  • Didelė mokomųjų išteklių biblioteką apie Hostinger produktų naudojimą gali nemokamai įsigyti visi klientai
  • Aukščiausio lygio draugiškos, greitos ir paslaugios komandos, kurios visada pasirengusios išspręsti jūsų problemas 24/7
  • Padorus, bet jokiu būdu ne išskirtinis, veikimo laikas ir serverio atsako greičio rodmenys yra vidutiniai
  • Palyginti ribotas šablonų pasirinkimas jų „Zyro“ svetainių kūrimo priemonėje
  • Nėra galimybės susisiekti telefonu – vietoj to turėsite naudoti tiesioginį pokalbį, el. laišką arba kontaktinę formą

Prieš baigdami šią apžvalgą su išvadomis ir sprendimais (ar turėtumėte naudoti Hostinger?), Čia pateikiamas nuoseklus vadovas, kaip gauti papildomą nuolaidą įsigyjant Hostinger:

Bonusas: Hostinger reklamos kodas

Dabar mes nesiginčijame, kad jūs turite būtinai pasirinkti Hostinger, bet jei nuspręsite kreiptis į šį paslaugų teikėją, malonu turėti galimybę sutaupyti dar daugiau užsakymui, tiesa?

Atsižvelgdami į tai, pateikite nuoseklų vadovą, kaip gauti papildomą nuolaidą Hostinger, naudojant kupono kodą:

(kadangi mes priėjome prie išvados anksčiau kad 12 mėnesių „Premium“ bendras planas daugeliu atvejų yra pats protingiausias pasirinkimas, jį naudosime kaip pavyzdį)

  1. Apsilankykite oficialioje Hostinger svetainėje spustelėdami žemiau esantį mygtuką (jis atsidarys naujame lange automatiškai):

    Gaukite geriausią pasiūlymą Hostinger ›

  2. Pagal Premium dalijamą hostingą (i.e. vidurinis variantas), spustelėkite didelį raudoną mygtuką „Į krepšelį“. Taip pateksite į konfigūracijos puslapį.
  3. Spustelėkite norėdami pasirinkti 12 mėnesių paketą (tai pigiausias planas, suteikiantis nemokamą domeno vardą, todėl neverta rinktis 1 mėnesio plano).
  4. Šiuo metu jūsų konfigūracijos puslapis turėtų atrodyti taip:

    Hostinger reklamos kodas

  5. Dabar pažiūrėkite į puslapio apačią ir po pilnos užsakymo sumos raskite tekstą „Ar turite kupono kodą?“. Spustelėjus nuorodą, jo vietoje pasirodys naujas laukas. Įveskite šį kodą:
  6. Įvedę kodą, spustelėkite dešinėje esančią pliuso piktogramą (ji turėtų tapti violetinės spalvos). Pamatysite pranešimą, kuriame teigiama, kad kupono kodas sėkmingai pritaikytas, o jūsų užsakyme pasirodys nauja nuolaida!
  7. Sveikiname! Ką tik sutaupėte papildomų lėšų iš Hostinger pirkinio, todėl galutinė kaina tampa dar patrauklesnė.

Jei jūsų atveju aukščiau paminėtas reklamos kodas neveikia, praneškite mums apie tai komentaruose žemiau – mes ištirsime ir padarysime viską, kad įsitikintumėte, jog gausite veikiantį.

Verdiktas: Ar Hostinger yra vertas?

Atsižvelgdami į viską, turėtumėte naudoti Hostinger jūsų kitam interneto projektui?

Kalbant apie hostingą, šis prekės ženklas yra pats „kainos ir kokybės santykio“ įsikūnijimas: už tai, ką gaunate, mokate pagrįstą kainą – o tai, ką gaunate, yra funkcionalu, praktiška ir lengva naudoti. Hostinger tiesiog … veikia⚡

Sukurkite svetainę Hostigner ›

Tiems, kurie nusprendžia išbandyti Hostinger: nepamirškite patikrinti mūsų nuoseklų vadovą kaip sutaupyti papildomai pirmam užsakymui.


Vis dar kyla klausimų apie serverius, planus, palaikymą ir pan.? O gal jau naudojatės Hostinger ir norėtumėte pasidalinti savo patirtimi?

Bet kuriuo atveju prisijunkite prie diskusijos žemiau esančioje komentarų skiltyje, padėkime vieni kitiems priimti pagrįstus sprendimus!

Partnerių atskleidimas: jei ši apžvalga jums pasirodė naudinga, apsvarstykite galimybę paremti mūsų tinklaraštį naudodamiesi tekste esančiomis nuorodomis norėdami įsigyti Hostinger paslaugas. Tai, žinoma, neturi įtakos kainai, kurią gaunate už Hostinger pasiūlymą.

De Ultieme Review: hebben de 30 miljoen mensen die in 2024 hiervoor kiezen gelijk?

Hostinger is tegenwoordig een van de meest betaalbare opties onder de hostingreuzen. Maar ‘groot en goedkoop’ betekent niet per se het beste –

Titanic was ook groot en sommige tickets waren redelijk betaalbaar…

Dus in plaats van algemeenheden, zullen we in deze diepgaande review feiten en gegevens analyseren om erachter te komen of Hostinger je geld waard is.

Samenvatting van het vonnis: de belangrijkste voordelen van Hostinger zijn eenvoud en lage kosten, waardoor het een uitstekende keuze is voor kleine en middelgrote webprojecten. Zowel ontwikkelaars als website-eigenaren hebben de mogelijkheid om een geschikte optie te vinden in het aanbod van Hostinger.
Prijs: krijg je waar voor je geld? Lees verder
Servers: hoe snel/betrouwbaar zijn ze? Zie data
Functies: wat krijg je als klant? Details
Klantondersteuning: is het beschikbaar en helpen ze echt? Ontdek het

Trouwens, toen Hostinger aan het beslissen was over hun merknaam, voorzagen ze waarschijnlijk niet de vele verschillende manieren waarop deze verkeerd gespeld kon worden.

Dus als je hier bent vanwege het zoeken naar hostenger of hosinger of zelfs hostiger – dit is precies hetzelfde bedrijf als waar we het hier over hebben :)

Hoe groot is Hostinger?

Om je een idee te geven van hoe groot Hostinger is, volgen hier enkele cijfers: het bedrijf heeft momenteel meer dan 30 miljoen klanten in meer dan 170 landen (dit is bijna in elk land ter wereld!).

En er zijn geen tekenen van vertraging – volgens hun gegevens breidt Hostinger nog steeds uit met een snelheid van 1 cliënt per 5 seconden.

Wat is Hostinger?

Zoals je zou verwachten, is Hostinger echter niet altijd de internationale speler geweest die het vandaag is. Hostinger ontstond in 2004 uit één filosofie:

Mensen willen niet betalen voor marketing alleen voor de hosting: eenvoudig, betrouwbaar en zo goedkoop mogelijk.

Dit principe blijft na vele jaren nog steeds de kern van Hostinger, namelijk hoogwaardige dienstverlening tegen een zo laag mogelijke prijs.

Laten we het aanbod eens bekijken:

Het juiste Hostinger pakket kiezen

Als grote internationale provider biedt Hostinger voor bijna alle privé- en zakelijke behoeften verschillende oplossingen aan.

Shared hosting, cloud hosting, WordPress, VPS – met al die termen kan het snel erg verwarrend worden! 🤯

Geen paniek, hier is een eenvoudige gids:

  1. Verwacht je meer dan 10.000 bezoekers/maand op je website? Als je antwoord “NEE” is (of “IK HEB GEEN IDEE”), ga dan voor shared hosting!

    We raden het Premium pakket aan omdat je er een gratis domeinnaam bij krijgt, maar als je er al een hebt is het Single pakket prima!

    Als je ‘JA’ hebt geantwoord, met andere woorden, als je een website met veel bezoekers bouwt, ga dan verder met de volgende vraag:

  2. Heb je zakelijk een sterk geoptimaliseerde WordPress website nodig? Als je antwoord “JA” is, overweeg dan het WordPress hosting plan van Hostinger.

    Als je op zoek bent naar iets geavanceerder en flexibeler (je hebt bijvoorbeeld “NEE” geantwoord), bekijk dan de volgende stap:

  3. Heb je een professionele server nodig met dedicated resources? Als je “JA” hebt geantwoord, dan zal de Virtual Private Server, ook wel VPS hosting genoemd aan je behoeften voldoen.

    Houdt er rekening mee dat VPS hosting gespecialiseerde kennis vereist – als je dus niet bekend bent met server-instellingen, probeer dan één van de voorgaande opties!

    VPS hosting biedt de beste prijs-kwaliteitsverhouding voor de kleinere professionele projecten 👓 – er is dus een beter product als je iets groters wilt bouwen:

  4. Tot slot, als je een uitbreidbare oplossing nodig hebt voor een groot project, dan moet je zeker voor cloud hosting gaan –

    Dit is de meest flexibele optie waarmee je direct resources kunt toevoegen en waarmee je de meeste uptime voor je site of webapp kunt garanderen.

…Maar waarom zou ik überhaupt voor Hostinger kiezen? Ok, goed, je let nog steeds op! Om deze vraag te beantwoorden, hebben we meer gegevens nodig:

– in de volgende delen van deze review zullen we de technische kenmerken van Hostinger 🤓 analyseren, evenals onze eigen ervaringen tijdens het gebruik van deze provider.

Laten we beginnen!

Uptime en snelheid van Hostinger: hoe betrouwbaar is deze provider?

Naast de functies en prijs is er een ander uiterst belangrijk criterium bij het kiezen van een hosting, dat is de stabiliteit – met andere woorden, de uptime en snelheid van de server.

Om de uptime te meten, met andere woorden het deel van de tijd dat de servers van Hostinger actief zijn, kunnen we kijken naar zowel zelfgerapporteerde cijfers als cijfers van derden.

De eerste zijn gratis beschikbaar op hun servermonitorpagina. Het bevat dagelijkse, wekelijkse en maandelijkse statistieken voor alle 150+ Hostinger’s servers, wat er ongeveer zo uitziet:

Hostinger uptime

Onderaan de tabel vind je de gecombineerde cijfers voor alle servers, daar zijn we vooral in geïnteresseerd:

Kijk naar het gemiddelde over 30 dagen om een idee te krijgen hoeveel tijd je website naar verwachting binnen een bepaalde maand offline zal zijn.

Vanaf May2024 ligt dit cijfer bijna op 99,9% – wat betekent dat een gehoste website slechts ongeveer 42 minuten downtime per maand zou moeten ervaren, wat een redelijk normaal resultaat is voor de meeste moderne hostingproviders.

Dit komt ook overeen met het cijfer van 99,908% , wat onafhankelijk door Hrank gemeten is en valt ook binnen de grenzen van de Service Uptime-garantie van Hostinger – die precies 99,9% is volgens sectie 7 van hun Hostingovereenkomst.


Hoe zit het met de snelheid? Dit is een beetje lastiger, omdat het van veel verschillende factoren kan afhangen, niet alleen van de hardware van de hostingprovider.

De laadtijd van een webpagina is sterk afhankelijk van zaken als de totale grootte van afbeeldingen op de pagina, het aantal actieve WordPress-plug-ins en andere details die geen verband houden met de hosting.

Het is dus logisch om alleen de responstijd te beschouwen – dit is de gemiddelde tijd (in milliseconden) die een server nodig heeft om te reageren op een inkomend verbindingsverzoek (dwz iemand die probeert toegang te krijgen tot een website op die server).

Volgens de gegevens van de onafhankelijke Hrank-bots, schommelt de gemiddelde responstijd van Hostinger rond de 800 ms:

Hostinger uptime Hostinger’s gemiddelde reactietijd zoals gemeten door Hrank (lager is beter)[/ caption]

In feite is te zien dat de gemiddelde responstijd van Hostinger de afgelopen jaren is afgenomen (=snellere websites), mede dankzij infrastructuurupgrades.

Alles onder de eerste responstijd van 1000 ms is een goed resultaat voor een shared hostingprovider en Hostinger doet het beter dan de meeste andere grote internationale providers.

Oké, nu we naar de feiten hebben gekeken, gaan we van cijfers naar onze persoonlijke ervaring:

Onze ervaring met het gebruik van Hostinger

Zoals we eerder hebben besproken, biedt Hostinger een verscheidenheid aan services aan voor zowel beginners als professionals.

Voor deze review gaan we shared hosting nader bekijken, aangezien dit verreweg het populairste Hostinger-product is.

Zoals gewoonlijk is de eerste stap het kopen van een pakket.

Wanneer je je bestelling voltooid, krijg je toegang tot het hosting admin paneel – dit is de plaats waar je je hosting account gaat beheren:

Hostinger biedt de gebruiker een aangepast admin-paneel, gebouwd door de interne ontwikkelaars van het bedrijf. Naar onze mening is deze redelijk gebruiksvriendelijk en gemakkelijk te navigeren, zelfs in vergelijking met veelgebruikte alternatieven zoals cPanel of Plesk.

Alles wat je nodig hebt, wordt weergegeven door tegels met afbeeldingen en netjes in groepen georganiseerd om je te helpen de diensten sneller te vinden. Je kunt ook de zoekbalk bovenaan gebruiken om makkelijker toegang te krijgen tot de gewenste items.

Om een website te maken, kun je de Auto Installer gebruiken om een inhoudbeheersysteem zoals WordPress op te zetten – of de websitebouwer Zyro met drag-and-drop van Hostinger zelf gebruiken.

Beide opties zijn toegankelijk via het Website gedeelte van het hosting admin-paneel

Overigens is Zyro websitebouwer een interessant voorbeeld van hoe een slecht product een succesvolle comeback kan maken.

Toen we Hostinger voor het eerst in 2017 beoordeelden, was Zyro een puinhoop – het zag eruit als een kruising tussen een vroegtijdig uitgebracht startup-idee en een afgedankt topproduct.

Dit was een tijdje het geval, maar begin 2020 kreeg Zyro een complete revisie:

Hostinger Zyro

Nu lijkt het meer op een moderne sitebouwer 😎 De keuze aan sjablonen is nog steeds vrij beperkt, maar de ontwerpen zien er nu in ieder geval netter en up-to-date uit.

Naast verbeterde visuals en een verzameling van meer dan 1 miljoen afbeeldingen, biedt Zyro nu een aantal intrigerende producten op basis van kunstmatige intelligentie:

  • AI Writer, een automatisch systeem dat je om een onderwerp vraagt om vervolgens meerdere paragrafen met (zeer menselijk klinkende) tekst over dat onderwerp produceert. Het is nog steeds niet perfect, maar het kan een grote hulp zijn om je writer’s block te doorbreken.
  • AI Heatmap Tool, die je webpagina’s analyseert vanuit het oogpunt van de bezoekers en je vertelt waar je de belangrijkste elementen van je pagina moet plaatsen, zoals call-to-action-knoppen.

Het lijkt wel magie!

Over het algemeen kunnen we de nieuwe versie van Zyro aanbevelen aan iedereen die een eenvoudige website wil maken die uit een of meerdere statische pagina’s bestaat. Voor degenen die meer flexibiliteit en meer functies nodig hebben, is WordPress nog steeds de beste keuze.

Hostinger klantenondersteuning

Als je al klant bent, kunt je het Hostinger-team 24/7 om hulp vragen via de live-chat die zich in de rechterbenedenhoek van het hosting admin-paneel bevindt.

Om de kwaliteit van de klantenondersteuning te testen, hebben we hen vragen gesteld via de chat: hun responstijd was supersnel (meestal slechts enkele seconden) en de Hostinger-vertegenwoordiger was altijd vriendelijk, beleefd en behulpzaam.

Er werden grappige kattenfoto’s gebruikt om ons humeur op te vrolijken terwijl we aan het wachtten waren tot ze het antwoord typten 🐈

Naast de live-chat is er een gratis kennisbank met nuttige artikelen over alle Hostinger-producten en -diensten. Je kunt het vinden door op de “Help” link in het bovenste menu van het hosting admin-paneel te klikken.

Het bevat ook een lijst met de meest gestelde vragen – de kans is groot dat je je probleem daar al mee kunt oplossen.

…Wat als je geen klant bent?

In dat geval kun je een bericht sturen naar het Hostinger-team via het contactformulier op hun website.

Het zal natuurlijk niet zo snel zijn als de live-chat, maar je vraag zal waarschijnlijk ook niet zo urgent zijn :) in ieder geval krijg je binnen een paar uur je antwoord; de langste reactietijd in onze tests was 7 uur.

Wist je trouwens dat je ons ook vragen kunt stellen over Hostinger? Bekijk het formulier onderaan de tekst!

Over het algemeen is Hostinger erin geslaagd om onze verwachtingen te overtreffen ivm de kwaliteit van de ondersteuning. We hebben veel erger gezien, zelfs van concurrerende bedrijven met hogere prijzen.

30 dagen geld-terug-garantie en annulering van een Hostinger-account

Als je op de officiële startpagina van Hostinger helemaal naar beneden scrolt, zie je een verklaring waarin je je geld terug kunt vragen gedurende de eerste maand (30 dagen, om precies te zijn) nadat je de betaling hebt uitgevoerd.

Hoewel een geld-terug-garantie een prijzenswaardige functie is voor elke zichzelf respecterende hosting provider, is het de moeite waard om je op een aantal kleine lettertjes te wijzen – zorg ervoor dat je op de hoogte bent van de gevolgen voor het aanvragen van deze terugbetaling:

  • Nieuwe domeinnaamregistraties kunnen alleen binnen 4 dagen (96 uur) na voltooiing van de aankooptransactie worden geannuleerd. De meeste andere grote hostingproviders bieden helemaal geen restitutie voor nieuwe domeinnamen.
  • Gezien het vorige punt is er nog steeds een lange lijst met domeinnamen die geen restitutie ondersteunen; dit zijn bijna alle landspecifieke en regionale extensies, evenals enkele generieke extensies zoals .mobi en .info.
  • Enkele andere items die niet meetellen voor de 30 dagen geld-terug-garantie zijn domeinverlengingen, privacybeschermingspakketten en SEO-toolkits.
  • Ten slotte kunt je geen enkele aankoop terug laten betalen die is gedaan met cryptocurrencies (ja, Hostinger staat het betalen van je bestellingen toe met Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin en een heleboel andere populaire munten).

Oké, wat als je besluit je account na de 30 dagen te annuleren? – je hebt bijvoorbeeld geen hosting meer nodig omdat je het bijbehorende webproject hebt stopgezet.

Je kunt eenvoudig je hosting pakketen en domeinen deactiveren via jehosting admin-paneel, zoek gewoon naar het item “Account deactiveren” met het grote rode stopteken:

Interessant genoeg, hoewel individuele services gemakkelijk geannuleerd en verwijderd kunnen worden, biedt Hostinger geen eenvoudige manier om iemands persoonlijke account bij het bedrijf volledig te verwijderen (onder vermelding van “veiligheidsredenen”).

Hoewel dit geen echte problemen zou moeten opleveren als je eenmaal alle services in dat account hebt gedeactiveerd (er worden zeker geen kosten meer in rekening gebracht), is er voor degenen die graag zelf alles willen verwijderen, een optie die kan werken: vraag gewoon Hostinger-ondersteuning om het account te verwijderen.

Als je je in de Europese Unie bevindt, kun je zelfs woorden als GDPR gebruiken om er zeker van te zijn dat aan je verzoek voldaan wordt; woon je in een andere regio dan zul je meer op de goede wil van het bedrijf moeten vertrouwen.

Wat wil men op het internet nog meer weten over Hostinger?

Voordat we verder gaan met het samenvatten van de sterke en zwakke punten van Hostinger, dit is een verzameling van de meest voorkomende vragen die we op internet en in de berichten op onze website hebben gezien:

Is Hostinger echt gratis? Nou, niet meer… Wat bedoelen we met “niet meer”? Leuk feitje – het was vroeger gratis als onderdeel van de eerste pogingen om snel de verschillende internationale markten te veroveren – maar tegenwoordig is het een betaalde hosting, maar wel een met de focus op een echt goedkope strategie.

Is Hostinger goed voor WordPress? Absoluut. We kunnen het met gemak de beste prijs-kwaliteitsopties noemen voor je zelf gehoste WordPress-website (bekijk onze ranglijst van de beste “goedkoopste” hosts die er zijn).

Is Hostinger betrouwbaar? Kort antwoord – ja, zonder twijfel. Uitgebreid antwoord – voor een retail hosting oplossing die een fractie kost van wat andere grote providers je in rekening zouden brengen, is Hostinger verrassend goed uitgerust om onderbrekingsvrije hosting te leveren met de krachtige ingebouwde beveiligingsfuncties.

Voor en nadelen van Hostinger

Nu we de producten en diensten van Hostinger hebben onderzocht, evenals de klantenondersteuning, laten we de voor en nadelen even samenvatten. We proberen zo objectief mogelijk te zijn:

  • Geweldige prijs-kwaliteitsverhouding: zeer concurrerende prijzen voor alle hostingpakketten – zoals Hostinger het zelf zegt, “je betaalt alleen voor de hosting, niet voor de marketing”
  • Flexibele aanbiedingen voor elk type klant – van particulieren en kleine bedrijven (shared hosting) tot grote bedrijven en professionele programmeurs (VPS en cloud)
  • 99,9% uptime-garantie -Hostinger belooft in feite dat je website altijd online beschikbaar zal zijn. Het cijfer vertaalt zich in een maximum van 44 minuten downtime per maand, wat in de praktijk zo goed als 0 minuten downtime is volgens onze tests.
  • Je kunt een gratis domeinnaam krijgen bij je hostingaankoop als je kiest voor een pakket van ten minste 12 maanden
  • Je kunt tussen het populaire hosting-dashboards zoals cPanel kiezen of de eigen oplossing van Hostinger gebruiken (wat ook geen slechte optie is)
  • WordPress en andere populaire site-engines kunnen met slechts enkele klikken worden geïnstalleerd met behulp van de Auto Installer-functie vanuit het hosting admin-paneel
  • De websitebouwer van Hostinger, Zyro genaamd, is in 2020 volledig vernieuwd en is nu prettig in gebruik
  • Grote kennisbank met educatieve bronnen over het gebruik van de producten van Hostinger, gratis beschikbaar voor alle klanten
  • Eersteklas ondersteuning van een vriendelijk, snel en behulpzaam team dat altijd (24/7) klaar staat om je problemen op te lossen
  • Degelijk maar zeker geen bijzonder uptime gemiddelde en server reactiesnelheid
  • Relatief beperkte keuze aan sjablonen in hun Zyro websitebouwer
  • Geen mogelijkheid voor telefonische ondersteuning – je moet in plaats daarvan gebruik maken van de live-chat, e-mail of het contactformulier

Voordat we deze review afronden met een conclusie en een oordeel (zou je Hostinger moeten gebruiken?), hebben we hier een stapsgewijze gids om een extra korting op je Hostinger-aankoop te krijgen:

Bonus: Hostinger-promotiecode

We zeggen niet dat je per se Hostinger moet kiezen – maar als je voor deze provider besluit te gaan, is het toch fijn om nog meer op je bestelling te besparen?

Daarom geven we je graag een handige handleiding om extra korting te krijgen bij Hostinger met behulp van een kortingscode:

(aangezien we eerder al hebben geconcludeerd dat het Premium-pakket van 12 maanden in de meeste gevallen de beste keuze is, zullen we het als voorbeeld gebruiken)

  1. Bezoek de officiële Hostinger-website door op de onderstaande knop te klikken (de website wordt automatisch in een nieuw venster geopend):

    Ontvang de beste deal bij Hostinger ›

  2. Klik onder Premium Webhosting (dwz de middelste optie) op de grote rode knop “Toevoegen”. Dit brengt je naar de configuratiepagina.
  3. Kies het pakket van 12 maanden door er op te klikken (dit is het goedkoopste abonnement waarbij je een gratis domeinnaam krijgt, het is niet de moeite waard om het abonnement voor 1 maand te kiezen).
  4. Op dit punt is dit hoe je configuratiepagina eruit zou moeten zien:


  5. Kijk nu onderaan de pagina en zoek de tekst “Heb je een kortingscode?”, Direct onder het totale orderbedrag. Als je op de link klikt, komt er een nieuw veld zichtbaar. Typ de volgende code:

  6. Nadat je de code hebt ingevoerd, klik je op het plus pictogram aan de rechterkant (deze moet paars van kleur worden). Je ziet een bericht dat de kortingscode met succes is toegepast en de korting verschijnt in je bestelling!
  7. Gefeliciteerd! Je hebt zojuist wat extra geld bespaard op je Hostinger aankoop, waardoor de uiteindelijke prijs nog aantrekkelijker is geworden.

Als de bovenstaande promotiecode in jou geval niet werkt, laat het ons dan weten in een bericht onderaan de pagina – we zullen het onderzoeken en ons best doen om ervoor te zorgen dat je een werkende code ontvangt.

Eindoordeel: is Hostinger je geld waard?

Met bovenstaande informatie in gedachten, zou je Hostinger gebruiken voor je volgende webproject?

Als het op hosting aankomt, is dit het merk van “waar voor je geld” krijgen: je betaalt een redelijke prijs voor wat je krijgt en wat je krijgt is functioneel, praktisch en gebruiksvriendelijk. Hostinger… werkt gewoon ⚡

Maak een website op Hostigner ›

Voor degenen die besluiten om Hostinger te proberen: vergeet niet onze handige handleiding te bekijken om extra te besparen op je eerste bestelling.


Heb je nog steeds vragen over de servers, pakketten, ondersteuning, enz.? Of misschien maak je al gebruik van Hostinger en wil je je ervaring delen?

Neem in ieder geval deel aan de discussie hieronder, laten we elkaar helpen om een weloverwogen beslissing te nemen!

Affiliate mededeling: als je deze recensie nuttig vond, overweeg dan om onze blog te steunen door de links in de tekst te gebruiken om Hostinger services aan te schaffen. Dit heeft natuurlijk geen invloed op de prijs die je op je Hostinger aanbieding krijgt.

Recenzie completă : Au dreptate 30,000,000 de persoane să îl aleagă în 2024?

Hostinger este una dintre cele mai avantajoase opțiuni de hosting dintre giganții industriei. Dar „mare și ieftin” nu înseamnă cine știe ce –

Și Titanicul a fost mare, iar unele bilete au fost destul de avantajoase…

Așadar, în loc de extrapolări, în cadrul acestei recenzii detaliate vom analiza fapte și date pentru a afla dacă Hostinger merită banii tăi.

Concluzia pe scurt: avantajele cheie ale lui Hostinger sunt simplitatea și costurile reduse, ceea ce îl transformă în alegerea perfectă pentru proiecte mici și mijlocii. Atât developerii, cât și proprietarii de website-uri pot găsi o opțiune potrivită în gama de oferte Hostinger.
Prețuri: merită investiția? Citește mai mult
Servere: sunt rapide și de încredere? Vezi datele
Caracteristici: ce primesc clienții? Informații
Asistență: este disponibilă și amabilă? Descoperă

Apropo, atunci când cei de la Hostinger se hotărau asupra numelui brandului, probabil că nu au prevăzut multitudinea de modalități prin care poate fi scris greșit…

Deci, dacă ai ajuns aici în urma căutărilor pentru hostenger sau hosinger sau chiar hostiger – să știi că da, este aceeași companie despre care vorbim aici :)

Cât de mare e Hostinger?

Ca să îți faci o idee de cât de mare este Hostinger, iată câteva cifre: în prezent, compania are peste 30 de milioane de clienți în 170+ țări (asta înseamnă aproape fiecare țară din lume!)

Și nu există semne că se vor opri aici. Potrivit datelor lor, Hostinger continuă să se dezvolte la o rată de 1 client la fiecare 5 secunde.

Ce este Hostinger

Cu toate acestea, așa cum probabil te-ai așteptat, Hostinger nu a fost întotdeauna gigantul internațional care este astăzi. Atunci când totul a început, prin 2004, Hostinger a crescut dintr-o singură idee:

Oamenii nu vor să plătească pentru marketing, ci doar pentru hosting: să fie simplu, de încredere și ieftin.

Chiar și acum, după mai mulți ani, acest principiu a rămas valabil pentru Hostinger, adică servicii de înaltă calitate la cel mai mic preț.

Haide să aruncăm o privire asupra ofertei:

Alegerea planului Hostinger potrivit

Fiind un furnizor internațional de calibru, Hostinger oferă o multitudine de soluții pentru toate nevoile personale și de business.

Găzduire partajată, găzduire cloud, WordPress, VPS – poate deveni foarte confuz, foarte repede. 🤯

Nu te speria, ai aici un ghid simplu:

  1. Te aștepți la peste 10.000 de vizitatori/lună în website-ul tău? Dacă răspunsul tău este „NU” (sau „NU ȘTIU”), poți opta pentru găzduirea partajată!

    Îți recomandăm planul Premium deoarece include un nume de domeniu gratuit, dar dacă deja ai unul, planul Single îți va fi suficient!

    Dacă răspunsul tău este „DA” – cu alte cuvinte, dacă construiești un website pentru trafic mare, treci la următoarea întrebare:

  2. Ai nevoie de un site WordPress optimizat pentru business-ul tău? Dacă răspunsul este „DA”, ia în considerare oferta de administrare WordPress a Hostinger.

    Dacă cauți ceva mai sofisticat și flexibil (adică, răspunsul tău este „NU”), treci la următorul pas:

  3. Ai nevoie de un server profesionist cu resurse dedicate? Dacă răspunsul este „DA”, atunci Serverul virtual privat, sau VPS hosting va răspunde nevoilor tale.

    Ține cont că VPS necesită cunoștințe de specialitate – așadar, dacă nu ești familiarizat cu setările serverului, încearcă una dintre opțiunile precedente!

    Hostingul VPS oferă cel mai bun raport calitate-preț pentru proiectele profesionale mici 👓 – deci, este un produs mai potrivit pentru construirea a ceva mai mare:

  4. Și nu în ultimul rând, dacă ești în căutarea unei soluții scalabile pentru un proiect mare, alege cu încredere găzduirea cloud

    Aceasta este cea mai flexibilă opțiune care îți oferă resurse suplimentare imediate și îți garantează cea mai bună disponibilitate pentru site-ul tău sau web app.

… Stai, dar chiar merită să alegi Hostinger? Ah, super, încă ești atent! Pentru a putea răspunde la această întrebare, vom avea nevoie de mai multe informații:

– în următoarea partea a acestei recenzii vom analiza caracteristicile tehnice ale Hostinger🤓 precum și impresiile noastre în urma utilizării serviciilor acestui furnizor.

Să-i dăm drumul!

Hostinger timp de funcționare și viteză: Este acest furnizor de încredere?

Pe lângă caracteristici și preț, un alt criteriu extrem de important în alegerea hostingului este stabilitatea – cu alte cuvinte timpul de funcționare și viteza serverului.

Pentru a măsura timpul de funcționare, sau proporția de timp în care serverele Hostinger funcționează, putem să analizăm atât rapoartele proprii, cât și cele furnizate de părți terțe.

Cele dintâi sunt disponibile gratuit pe pagina lor de monitorizare server. Sunt listate zilnic, săptămânal și lunar statistici pentru toate cele 150+ servere Hostinger, și arată cam așa:

Hostinger uptime

În partea de jos a tabelului poți găsi cifrele adunate pentru toate serverele, adică ceea ce ne interesează:

Aruncă o privire la media ultimelor 30 de zile pentru a-ți face o idee despre durata de timp în care website-ul tău poate să fie offline pe durata unei luni.

De exemplu, in May 2024 cifră este aproape de 99,9% – ceea ce presupune că un website găzduit ar trebui să experimenteze aproximativ 42 de minute de nefuncționare pe lună, un rezultat destul de normal pentru furnizorii moderni de găzduire.

Acest lucru este în conformitate cu cifra de 99,908% măsurată independent de Hrank, precum și de garanția de funcționare a serviciului Hostinger – care este exact 99,9% potrivit secțiunii 7 din Acordul Hostinger.


Cum stă treaba cu viteza? Aspectul acesta este un pic mai complicat, deoarece poate depinde de diferiți factori independent de hardware-ul furnizorului de hosting.

Timpul de încărcare a unei pagini web are o legătură strânsă cu aspecte precum dimensiunea totală a imaginilor din pagină, numărul de plugin-uri WordPress active și alte aspecte care nu au legătură cu găzduirea.

Deci, are sens să iei în considerare doar timpul de răspuns – care este durata medie (în milisecunde) de care are nevoie un server pentru a răspunde unei solicitări de conexiune de intrare (adică, cineva încearcă să acceseze un website pe acel server).

Potrivit datelor primite de la boții Hrank, timpul mediu de răspuns pentru Hostinger se învârte în jurul a 800 de milisecunde:

Hostinger uptime

Timpul mediu de răspuns a Hostinger măsurat de Hrank (mai mic este mai bun)

De fapt, s-a putut observa că timpul mediu de răspuns a Hostinger a scăzut (=website-uri mai rapide) în ultimii ani, datorită, în parte, actualizărilor la nivel de infrastructură.

Orice este sub 1000 ms ca prim timp de răspuns este un rezultat bun pentru un furnizor de găzduire partajată, iar Hostinger e mai bun în comparație cu majoritatea furnizorilor internaționali mari.

În regulă, acum că am analizat datele, haide să vedem care sunt impresiile noastre personale:

Impresiile noastre după ce am utilizat Hostinger

În scopul acestei expuneri am achiziționat și testat pachetul de găzduire Premium al Hostinger, iar acum vom detalia experiența noastră cu cititorii acestui ghid.

Când finalizezi comanda, vei avea acces la panoul de administrare – acesta este locul unde îți vei putea administra contul de găzduire web.

Hostinger oferă un panou de administrare personalizat, creat de dezvoltatorii web ai companiei. Ni s-a părut destul de ușor de utilizat și înțeles, în comparație cu alternativele utilizate pe scară largă, cum ar fi cPanel sau Plesk.

Elementele de care ai nevoie sunt reprezentate prin casete cu imagini, organizate în grupuri care te ajută să găsești mai repede diversele servicii. De asemenea, poți utiliza bara de căutare din partea de sus pentru a avea acces mai ușor la ceea ce vrei.

Dacă achiziționezi și un domeniu împreună cu găzduirea web (mai jos îți voi arăta cum să îl obții gratuit), acesta va fi activat automat după o scurtă perioadă de timp și apoi vei putea începe crearea siteului.

Ca să faci asta, poți utiliza programul de instalare automată ca să configurezi un sistem de gestionare al conținutului, cum ar fi WordPress – sau poți folosi constructorul de site web drag & drop oferit de Hostinger.

Ambele opțiuni pot fi accesate din secțiunea Website a panoului administrativ de hosting.

Apropo, site builderul Zyro este un caz interesant despre cum un produs făcut pe jumătate poate avea o revenire în forță.

Atunci când am făcut prima recenzie lui Hostinger, în 2017, Zyro era la pământ – arăta ca o încrucișare dintre lansarea unei idei de startup și un produs preexistent abandonat.

Cam așa au stat lucrurile o vreme, dar la începutul lui 2020, Zyro a cunoscut o revizuire completă:

Hostinger Zyro

Acum arată mai mult ca un site builder modern 😎 Paleta de template-uri este în continuare destul de restrânsă, dar cel puțin design-urile arată mai îngrijite și în pas cu timpurile.

Pe lângă vizualuri mai bune și o colecție de peste 1M+ de imagini, Zyro dispune acum de caracteristici noi și câteva produse interesante de Inteligență Artificială:

  • AI Writer, este un sistem automat care îți cere un subiect și produce mai multe pragrafe de text (care sună foarte uman) despre acel subiect. Nu este încă perfect, dar poate să fie de mare ajutor pentru acele momente de blocaj în conceperea textelor.
  • AI Heatmap Tool, analizează paginile tale web din punctul de vedere al atenției utilizatorului și îți spune unde să afișezi cele mai importante elemente în pagina, precum butoanele de call-to-action.

Aproape magic!

Per total, noua iterație a lui Zyro poate fi recomandată oricărei persoane interesate să creeze un website simplu, compus din una sau mai multe pagini statice. Pentru cei care au nevoie de mai multă flexibilitate și mai multe caracteristici, WordPress este în continuare cea mai bună variantă.

Suport clienți Hostinger

Poți cere ajutor de la echipa Hostinger în orice moment al zilei, 24 de ore din 24, prin intermediul chat-ului care se află în coltul din dreapta jos al panoului de administrare al găzduirii.

Pentru a testa calitatea serviciului, le-am pus întrebări pe chat-ul live: timpul de răspuns a fost foarte scurt (de obicei doar câteva secunde), iar reprezentantul Hostinger a fost întotdeauna prietenos, amabil și de încredere.

Uneori folosesc și poze cu pisici ca să te relaxezi în timp ce aștepți răspunsul lor 🐈

În afară de chat live, au și o bibliotecă gratuită cu articole utile despre toate produsele și serviciile Hostinger. Poți să o găsești făcând clic pe linkul “Ajutor” din meniul de sus al panoului administrativ al găzduirii. În plus, biblioteca conține și o listă cu întrebările cele mai frecvente – ai șanse mari să-ți poți rezolva problema acolo.

… Ce fac dacă nu sunt client?

În cazul acesta, poți trimite un mesaj echipei Hostinger prin intermediul formularului de contact de pe website-ul lor.

Nu va fi la fel de rapid precum live chat-ul, bineînțeles, dar fără îndoială că nici întrebarea ta nu va fi chiar atât de urgentă :) Oricum, vei primi răspuns în câteva ore; cel mai lung timp de răspuns din testele noastre a fost 7 ore.

Apropo, știai că, ne poți adresa și nouă întrebări despre Hostinger? Vezi acest formular din partea de jos a textului!

În general, Hostinger a reușit să depășească așteptările noastre în ceea ce privește calitatea serviciului cu clienții, mai ales că găzduirea oferită de ei este foarte accesibilă financiar.

La companiile concurente, cu prețuri mai mari, am avut o experiență mult mai nasoală.

30 de zile banii înapoi și anularea abonamentului Hostinger

Dacă cauți în pagina oficială Hostinger până jos, vei găsi o informare de returnare a banilor pentru comanda ta în timpul primei luni (30 de zile, mai exact) după efectuarea plății.

Chiar dacă garanția returnării banilor este o caracteristică lăudabilă pentru orice furnizor de găzduire care se respectă, merită evidențiate câteva informații din text – astfel te asiguri că ești conștient de consecințele rezultate în urma solicitării de rambursare:

  • Înregistrarea numelui nou pentru domeniu poate fi anulată în termen de 4 zile (96 de ore) după finalizarea achiziției. Majoritatea altor furnizori mari de găzduire nu oferă deloc rambursări pentru domeniile noi.
  • Având în vedere punctul anterior, există în continuare o listă lungă de domenii care nu oferă rambursări; care include aproape toate extensiile regionale și specifice țării, precum și câteva generice precum .mobi and .info.
  • Alte instrumente care nu sunt eligibile pentru garanția de returnare a banilor în 30 de zile sunt reînnoirea domeniului, pachetele de protecție a confidențialității și kit-urile SEO.
  • În sfârșit, nu se pot rambursa achizițiile prin criptomonede (da, Hostinger îți permite să plătești folosind Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin și alte câteva monede cunoscute).

Ok, ce se întâmplă dacă vrei să anulezi contul mai târziu de 30 de zile? – de exemplu, nu mai ai nevoie de găzduire deoarece ai renunțat la proiectul web.

Poți dezactiva foarte ușor planul de găzduire și domeniile din panoul de control, trebuie doar să cauți butonul roșu „Deactivate account”:

Interesant este faptul că, deși serviciile individuale pot fi anulate și eliminate cu ușurință, Hostinger nu o oferă o procedură la fel de simplă pentru ștergerea conturilor de companie (din „motive de securitate”).

Deși acest lucru nu ar trebui să creeze niciun fel de problemă reală din momentul deactivării tuturor serviciilor din cont (nu vei mai fi taxat), pentru aceia dintre voi cărora le place să „curețe după ei”, există o strategie care poate funcționa: rugați pur și simplu echipa Hostinger să șteargă contul.

Dacă ești în Uniunea Europeană, poți chiar strecura cuvinte precum GDPR pentru a te asigura că solicitarea ta este soluționată; cei din alte regiuni vor trebui să se bazeze mai mult pe bunăvoința companiei.

Ce mai vrea să știe internetul despre Hostinger?

Înainte de a rezuma punctele forte și cele slabe ale lui Hostinger, iată câteva dintre cele mai frecvente întrebări pe care le-am găsit pe net și în comentariile noastre:

Chiar este Hostinger gratuit? Ei bine, nu mai este… Cum adică „nu mai este”? Fun fact – obișnuia să fie, ca parte din strategia inițială de a atrage diferite piețe internaționale, dar, în prezent, este un serviciu de hosting plătit, și chiar cu o strategie de prețuri mici chiar agresivă.

Este Hostinger bun pentru WordPress? Categoric. Putem să o numim cu ușurință una dintre opțiunile cu cel mai bun raport calitate-preț pentru un website WordPress auto-găzduit (vezi și nota noastră în topul celor mai „ieftine” servicii de hosting disponibile)

Este Hostinger de încredere? Răspuns rapid – da, desigur. Răspuns lung – pentru o soluție de hosting care costă o fracțiune din ceea ce te-ar taxa furnizorii mai mari, Hostinger este în mod surprinzător pregătit să ofere găzduire fără întreruperi cu caracteristici de securitate puternice incluse.

Argumente pro si contra Hostinger

Acum că am analizat produsele și serviciile Hostinger, precum și serviciul de asistență clienți – să facem un rezumat al aspectelor pozitive și negative. Vom încerca să fim cât se poate de obiectivi:

  • Raportul calitate-preț: prețuri foarte competitive pentru toate pachetele de găzduire; cum zice Hostinger: “plătești doar pentru găzduire, nu și pentru marketing”.
  • Oferte flexibile pentru orice tip de client: de la persoane fizice și firme mici (găzduire Partajată) la firme mari (găzduire Business) și programatori profesioniști (găzduire VPS).
  • Uptime garantat 99,9%: adică Hostinger promite că site-ul tău va fi online tot timpul. Cifra înseamnă un maxim de 44 minute de downtime pe lună, timp care conform testelor noastre este aproape inexistent.
  • Poți obține un nume de domeniu gratuit dacă alegi un pachet pe cel puțin 12 luni pentru găzduire.
  • Un panou administrativ de găzduire unic și ușor de folosit, creat de echipa Hostinger special pentru clienții companiei.
  • Ai posibilitatea să instalezi WordPress în doar câteva clicuri folosind funcția de Instalare Automată din panoul administrativ de găzduire.
  • O bibliotecă plină cu resurse educaționale despre cum să utilizezi produsele companiei Hostinger, disponibilă gratuit pentru toți clienții.
  • Suport de top de la o echipă amabilă, rapidă și care este gata să te ajute zi și noapte, cu problemele pe care le ai.
  • Site builderul Hostinger numit Zyro a fost îmbunătățit complet în 2020, iar acum este o plăcere să-l folosești
  • O gamă destul de limitată de teme în site builderul Zyro
  • Nu ai posibilitatea să accesezi serviciul de relații cu clienți prin telefon: este necesar să utilizezi funcția de chat live, email-ul sau formularul de contact

Înainte sa finalizăm această expunere cu o concluzie și un verdict (ar trebui să utilizezi Hostinger?), uite un ghid pas cu pas pentru un reducere la achiziția ta Hostinger –

Bonus: cod promotional Hostinger

Suntem foarte entuziasmați să îți arătăm cum să economisești și mai multi bani utilizând codul nostru de reducere exclusiv. Urmează pașii următori pentru a obține o reducere suplimentară și binevenită la achiziția ta Hostinger.

Deoarece am concluzionat mai devreme că pachetul Partajat Premium pe 12 luni este alegerea cea mai rezonabilă în majoritatea cazurilor, îl vom folosi ca exemplu în acest ghid.

  1. Accesează pagina de găzduire partajată pe site-ul oficial Hostinger apăsând pe butonul de mai jos (se va deschide automat într-o fereastră nouă):

    Hostinger: obține 5% reducere suplimentară

  2. Sub secțiunea găzduire partajată Premium (adică opțiunea din mijloc), apasă pe “Începe”, butonul mare și rosu. Făcând asta vei ajunge la pagina de configurare.
  3. Dă clic pe pachetul pe 12 luni (acesta este cel mai ieftin pachet care îți oferă un nume de domeniu gratuit, deci nu merită să cumperi pachetul pe 3 luni).
  4. În secțiunea de domeniu care se află mai jos, introdu numele domeniului pe care îl dorești. S-ar putea să trebuiască să încerci de mai multe ori pană găsești unul disponibil.
  5. Deși este opțional, îți recomandăm să bifezi și caseta de selectare “Certificat SSL” – nu costă prea mult, și îți va face site-ul mai sigur și mai credibil. În plus dacă ai certificatul SSL, site-ul tău va afișa un lacăt verde în bara de adresă a browserului.
  6. Toate celelalte lucruri de pe pagina asta nu sunt necesare; bineînțeles le poți include, dar siteul va fi ok și fără. Acum cam așa ar trebui să arate pagina ta de configurare:

  7. Acum, uită-te în partea dreaptă a paginii pentru a găsi întrebarea “Ai un cod promoțional?” scrisă în gri deschis. Ar trebui să se afle deasupra sumei totale a comenzii. Când apeși pe linkul de lângă ea, va apărea o casetă nouă și goală. Introdu aici codul următor:

  8. După introducerea codului, apasă pe semnul plus din dreapta (ar trebui să își schimbe culoarea în violet). Vei vedea un mesaj confirmând aplicarea cu succes al codului din cupon, iar în comanda ta va apărea o nouă reducere.

  9. Felicitări! Tocmai ai economisit 5% în plus la achiziția ta Hostinger, făcând prețul final și mai atractiv.

Verdict: Merită Hostinger?

Luând în considerare toate aceste aspecte, merită să folosești Hostinger pentru următorul tău proiect web?

Când vine vorba despre hosting, acest brand este întruchiparea însăși a „raportului calitate-preț”: plătești un preț rezonabil pentru ceea ce primești – iar ceea ce primești este funcțional, practic și ușor de folosit. Hostinger pur și simplu… funcționează⚡

Creează un website pe Hostigner ›

Pentru aceia dintre voi care decideți să încercați Hostinger: nu uitați de ghidul nostru pas cu pas pentru a economisi mai mult la prima comandă.


Încă mai ai întrebări despre servere, planuri, suport etc.? Sau poate că deja folosești Hostinger și ai vrea să împărtășești experiența ta?

În cazul acesta, alătură-te discuției în secțiunea de comentarii de mai jos, haide să ne ajutăm reciproc să luăm decizii informate!

Informare afiliere: Dacă acestă recenzie ți-a fost utilă, sprijină acest blog folosind linkurile din text pentru a achiziționa serviciile Hostinger. Acest lucru nu afectează prețul pe care îl primești prin oferta Hostinger, bineînțeles.

The Ultimate Review: Are 30 Million People Right to Choose It in 2024?

Hostinger is one of the most affordable options among the hosting giants today. But “big and cheap” doesn’t necessarily mean anything by itself –

Titanic was also big, and some of the tickets were quite affordable…

So, instead of extrapolations, in this in-depth review we will analyze facts and data to find out whether Hostinger is worth your money.

Verdict summary: the key advantages of Hostinger are simplicity and low costs, which make it a great choice for small and medium web projects. Both developers and website owners can find a suitable option from Hostinger’s range of offers.
Pricing: is it value for money? Read more
Servers: how fast and reliable is it? See data
Features: what do you get as a client? Details
Support: is it available and helpful? Find out

By the way, when Hostinger were deciding on their brand name, they probably did not foresee the many different ways it can be misspelled..

So if you’re here as a result of searching for hostenger or hosinger or even hostiger – just know that yes, that’s precisely the same company we’re talking about here :)

How Big Is Hostinger?

To give you an idea of just how big Hostinger is, here are some figures: the company currently has over 30 million customers in 170+ countries (this is almost every single country of the world!).

And there are no signs of slowing down – according to their data, Hostinger is still expanding at a rate of 1 client every 5 seconds.

What is Hostinger?

However, as you might expect, Hostinger hasn’t always been the international giant it is today. When it all started back in 2004, Hostinger grew out of a single idea:

People don’t want to pay for our marketing – just the hosting: simple, reliable, and as cheap as possible.

After many years, this principle still remains at the core of Hostinger, namely high-quality services for the lowest possible price.

Let’s take a look at the offer:

Choosing the Right Hostinger Plan

Being a huge international provider, Hostinger offers a multitude of solutions for all types of private and business needs.

Shared hosting, cloud hosting, WordPress, VPS – it can get really confusing really quickly! 🤯

Don’t panic, here’s a simple guide:

  1. Do you expect over 10,000 visitors/month to your website? If your answer is “NO” (or “I HAVE NO IDEA”), go for the shared hosting!

    We recommend the Premium plan because it includes a free domain name, but if you already own one, the Single plan will do just fine!

    If you answered “YES” – in other words, if you are building a high-traffic website, continue to the next question:

  2. Do you need a highly optimized WordPress site for business? If your answer is “YES”, consider Hostinger’s managed WordPress offer.

    If you’re looking for something more sophisticated and flexible (i.e. you answered “NO”), check out the next step:

  3. Do you need a professional server with dedicated resources? If you replied “YES”, then the Virtual Private Server, or VPS hosting will suit your needs.

    Keep in mind that VPS requires specialized knowledge – so if you’re not familiar with server settings, try one of the previous options instead!

    VPS hosting offers the best value for money for smaller professional projects 👓 – so there’s a more suitable product for building something bigger:

  4. Finally, if you need a scalable solution for a large project, definitely go for cloud hosting

    This is the most flexible option which allows for instant resource additions and guarantees the best uptime for your site or web app.

…Wait, but should I be choosing Hostinger at all? Ah, good, you’re still paying attention! In order to answer this question, we’ll need more data:

– in the following parts of this review we will analyze Hostinger’s technical characteristics 🤓 as well as our own impressions from using this provider.

Let’s dive in!

Hostinger Uptime and Speed: How Reliable Is This Provider?

Apart from features and pricing, another extremely important criterion for choosing hosting is its stability – in other words, server uptime and speed.

To measure the uptime, or the proportion of time Hostinger’s servers are up and running, we can look at both self-reported and third-party figures.

The former are freely available on their server monitor page. It lists daily, weekly, and monthly statistics for all of Hostinger’s 150+ servers, which looks something like this:

Hostinger uptime

At the bottom of the table you can find the combined figures for all servers, which is what we’re interested in:

Look at the 30-day average to get the idea of how much time your website can be expected to stay offline within any given month.

As of May 2024 this figure is close to 99.9% – which implies that a hosted website should only experience about 42 minutes of downtime per month, which is a fairly normal result for most modern hosting providers.

This is also in line with 99.908% figure independently measured by Hrank, as well as within the bounds of Hostinger’s Service Uptime Guarantee – which is exactly 99.9% according to section 7 of their Hosting Agreement.


How about speed? This is a bit trickier, since it might depend on many different factors apart from the hosting provider’s hardware.

A web page’s loading time depends heavily on things such as the total size of images on the page, the number of active WordPress plugins, and other details that are not related to the hosting.

So it makes sense to conside only the response time – which is the average time (in milliseconds) it takes a server to respond to an incoming connection request (i.e. someone trying to access a website on that server).

According to third-party data by Hrank bots which , Hostinger’s average response time hovers around 800 ms:

Hostinger uptime

Hostinger’s average response time as measured by Hrank (lower is better)

In fact, it can be seen that Hostinger’s average response time has been declining (=faster websites) during the recent years, thanks in part to infrastructure upgrades.

Anything below 1000 ms first response time is a good result for a shared hosting provider, and Hostinger fares better than most other large international providers.

Alright, now that we’ve looked at the facts, let’s move from averages to our personal impressions:

Our Impressions from Using Hostinger

As we discussed earlier, Hostinger offers a variety of services for both beginners and professionals.

For the purposes of this review we are going to take a closer look at shared hosting, as it’s by far the most popular Hostinger product.

As usual, the first step is to purchase a plan.

When you complete your order, you get access to the hosting admin panel – this is the place where you will manage your hosting account:

Hostinger offers a custom admin panel, built by the company’s internal developers. We found it quite user-friendly and easy to navigate, even when compared with widely used alternatives such as cPanel or Plesk.

Everything you need is represented by tiles with pictures, and organized neatly into groups to help you find services quicker. You can also use the search bar at the top for easier access to desired items.

To create a website, you can either use the Auto Installer to set up a content management system such as WordPress – or use the drag-and-drop website builder from the Hostinger product family called Zyro.

Both options can be accessed from the Website section of the hosting admin panel

By the way, Zyro website builder is an interesting case of how a half-baked product can make a successful comeback.

When we first reviewed Hostinger in 2017, Zyro was a mess – it looked like a cross between a prematurely released startup idea and an abandoned legacy product.

This was the case for a while, but in the early 2020 Zyro saw a complete overhaul:

Hostinger Zyro

Now that looks more like a modern site builder 😎 The choice of templates is still quite narrow, but at least now the designs look clean and up to date.

In addition to better visuals and a collection of 1M+ images, Zyro now features a couple of intriguing Artificial Intelligence based products:

  • AI Writer, an automatic system which asks you for a topic and produces several paragraphs of (very human-sounding) text on that topic. It’s still not perfect, but it can be a great help for breaking your writer’s block.
  • AI Heatmap Tool, which analyzes your web pages from the point of view of visitor attention and tells you where to place your page’s most important elements such as call-to-action buttons.

Almost magic!

Overall, the new iteration of Zyro can be recommended for anyone looking to create a simple website consisting of one or several static pages. For those who need more flexibility and more features, WordPress is still the best choice.

Hostinger Customer Support

If you’re already a client, you can ask Hostinger team for help 24/7 via the live chat that is located in the bottom right corner of the hosting admin panel.

To test the quality of support we have asked them questions via the chat: the response time was super-fast (usually just several seconds), and the Hostinger representative was always friendly, polite and helpful.

Silly cat pictures were used to brighten your mood while we waited for them to type the reply 🐈

Apart from live chat, there is a free library of useful articles about all Hostinger products and services. You can find it by clicking the “Help” link in the top menu of the hosting admin panel.

It also contains a list of most frequently asked questions – there’s a big chance that your issue can already be fixed there.

…What if you’re not a client?

In that case, you can send a message to the Hostinger team via the contact form on their website.

It won’t be as fast as the live chat, naturally, but arguably your question won’t be that urgent either :) in any case, you’ll still get your answer within a couple of hours; the longest response time in our tests was 7 hours.

By the way, did you know that you can ask us questions about Hostinger as well? Check out this form at the bottom of the text!

Overall, Hostinger has managed to exceed our expectations when it comes to quality of support. We’ve seen much worse even from competing companies with higher prices.

30-Day Money-back and Cancelling a Hostinger Account

If you scroll Hostinger’s official home page all the way down to the footer, you’ll see a statement offering a refund of your order during the first month (30 days, to be precise) after making the payment.

While a money-back guarantee is a laudable feature for any self-respecting hosting provider, it’s worth pointing out some of the fine-print details – making sure you’re aware of the consequences of requesting this refund:

  • New domain name registrations can only be cancelled within 4 days (96 hours) after completing the purchase transaction. Most other large hosting providers do not offer refunds for new domains at all.
  • Given the previous point, there is still a long list of domains that do not support refunds; those include almost all country-specific and regional extensions, as well as some generic ones like .mobi and .info.
  • Some other items that are not counted towards the 30-day moneyback guarantee are domain renewals, privacy protection packages, and SEO toolkits.
  • Finally, you cannot refund any purchase made using cryptocurrencies (yes, Hostinger allows paying for your orders using Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, and a bunch of other popular coins).

Alright, what if you decide to cancel your account later than 30 days? – for example, you don’t need a hosting anymore because you’ve discontinued the corresponding web project.

You can easily deactivate hosting plans and domains via your hosting control panel, just search for the “Deactivate account” item with a big red stop-sign:

Interestingly enough, while individual services are easily cancelled and removed, Hostinger does not offer a straightforward way of completely deleting one’s personal account with the company (citing “security reasons”).

While this should not create any real issues once you deactivate all services in that account (you will definitely not get charged anymore), for those who like cleaning thoroughly after themselves there is a strategy that can work: simply ask Hostinger support to delete the account.

If you’re in the European Union, you can even throw in words like GDPR to make sure youre request is satisfied; dwellers of other regions will have to rely more on the company’s good will.

What Else Does the Internet Want to Know About Hostinger?

Before we go on to summarize the strong and weak points on Hostinger, here’s a collection of the most frequent questions we’ve seen on the web and in our comments:

Is Hostinger really free? Well, not anymore… What do we mean “anymore”? Fun fact – it used to be, as part of its earliest attempts at quickly capturing the various international markets – but nowadays it’s a paid hosting, although one with a really aggressive low-cost strategy.

Is Hostinger good for WordPress? Absolutely. We can easily call it one of the best value for money options for a self-hosted WordPress website (check out our ranking of the top “cheapest” hosts around).

Is Hostinger reliable? Short answer – yes, definitely. Longer answer – for a retail hosting solution which costs a fraction of what other large providers would charge you, Hostinger is surprisingly well-equipped to deliver interruption-free hosting with powerful security features built in.

Pros and Cons of Hostinger

Now that we’ve examined Hostinger’s products and services, as well as customer support – let’s summarize the positive and negative sides. We’ll try to be as objective as possible:

  • Great value for money: very competitive prices for all hosting packages – as Hostinger puts it, “you only pay for the hosting, not for the marketing”
  • Flexible offers for any kind of client – from individuals and small businesses (shared hosting) to large companies and professional programmers (VPS and cloud)
  • 99.9% uptime guarantee – in essence, Hostinger promises that your website will be available online all the time. The figure translates into a maximum of 44 minutes of downtime per month, which in practice is close to 0 minutes of downtime according to our tests.
  • You can get a free domain name with your hosting purchase if you choose at least a 12-month package
  • You can choose between the popular hosting dashboards like cPanel or use Hostinger’s proprietary solution (which is not bad at all)
  • WordPress (or any other popular site engine) can be installed in just several clicks using the Auto Installer feature from the hosting admin panel
  • Hostinger’s website builder called Zyro has been completely revamped in 2020 and is now a pleasure to use
  • Large library of educational resources about using Hostinger’s products, available for free to all clients
  • Top-notch support from a friendly, fast, and helpful team that are always ready to solve your problems 24/7
  • Decent but by any means not outstanding average uptime and server response speed readings
  • Relatively limited choice of templates in their Zyro website builder
  • No possibility to get support by phone – you will need to use either live chat, email, or contact form instead

Before we finish this review with a conclusion and a verdict (should you use Hostinger?), here’s a step-by-step guide for getting an additional discount off your Hostinger purchase:

Bonus: Hostinger Promo Code

Now, we’re not arguing that you should necessarily choose Hostinger – but if you do decide to go with this provider, it’s nice to have an option to save even more on your order, right?

With this in mind, here’s a step-by-step guide on getting an additional discount at Hostinger using a coupon code:

(since we concluded earlier that the 12-month Premium shared plan is the most reasonable choice for most cases, we will be using it as an example)

  1. Visit the official Hostinger website by clicking the button below (it will open in a new window automatically):

    Get the best deal at Hostinger ›

  2. Under the Premium Shared Hosting (i.e. the middle option), click on the large red “Add to cart” button. This will bring you to the configuration page.
  3. Click to choose the 12-month package (this is the cheapest plan which gives you a free domain name, so it’s not worth choosing the 1-month plan).
  4. At this point this is how your configuration page should look like:

    Hostinger coupon

  5. Now look at the bottom of the page and find the text which says “Have a coupon Code?”, right below the total order sum. When you click on the link, at new field will appear in its place. Type in the following code:

  6. After inputting the code, click on the plus icon to the right (it should become violet in color). You will see a message saying that the coupon code has been successfully applied, and a new discount will appear in your order!
  7. Congratulations! You’ve just saved some additional funds from your Hostinger purchase, making the final price even more attractive.

In case the promo code mentioned above doesn’t work in your case, let us know in the comments below – we’ll investigate and do our best to make sure you receive a functioning one.

Verdict: Is Hostinger Worth It?

Taking everything into consideration, should you use Hostinger for your next web project?

When it comes to hosting, this brand is the very embodiment of “value for money”: you pay a reasonable price for what you get – and what you get is functional, practical, and easy to use. Hostinger just… works ⚡

Create a website on Hostigner ›

For those who do decide to try Hostinger: don’t forget to check out our step-by-step guide on how to save extra on your first order.


Still having questions about servers, plans, support, etc? Or maybe you are already using Hostinger and would like to share your experience?

In any case, join the discussion in the comments section below, let’s help each other make informed decisions!

Affiliate disclosure: if you found this review helpful, please consider supporting our blog by using the links in the text to purchase Hostinger services. This does not affect the price you get on your Hostinger offer, of course.

Leadpages vs Instapage: the Landing Page Builder Matchup

Every marketer spending money on online ads knows that, apart from the ad itself, another crucial element of a marketing campaign is where the visitor ends up when clicking on the ad – the landing page. Landing pages serve as the final steps in the funnel, converting the users obtained by the ad clicks into customers by motivating them to take specific actions. Those could be anything from signing up for a newsletter or a free trial, to leaving their contact information or even purchasing a product. While it’s definitely necessary to maximize your ad click-through and efficiency, landing pages are where all the magic happens – their importance in driving your website’s growth and profitability is difficult to overestimate.

Since landing pages are essential to any website looking to grow, powerful specialized toolkits exist nowadays to create, optimize and analyze them professionally. Two stand out: Leadpages and Instapage, being close competitors and market leaders. In order to make a choice in one’s favour, let’s look at the features and costs as our primary decision factors.

Feature Comparison

Being close competitors, Instapage and Leadpages share a large proportion of features which can be considered close substitutes, such as drag-and-drop landing page builders, analytics, and dozens of third-party service integrations, thus we will only mention those which stand out for one or the other.

The essential element of each platform is a drag-and-drop landing page constructor, and both Instapage and Leadpages offer flexible and powerful solutions. There are template libraries available with hundreds of pre-optimized blueprints which can be edited to fit your specific needs, the only significant difference is in the fact that Instapage allows creating a new landing page template from a blank canvas, whereas Leadpages only allows taking an existing library template as the starting point. For those with a clear own design idea in mind a blank starting page might be an easier option than editing a predefined template. Moreover, Instapage allows editing the underlying code of the landing page in addition to the visual interface, which is a nifty feature for the users who are familiar with coding and want to tinker with the fine details of their landing pages.

A feature worth mentioning separately is A/B split testing, which is the process of creating two or more versions of the same landing page and displaying them randomly to your incoming traffic in order to find out which of the versions is more effective at driving conversions. Split testing for landing pages is available on both platforms, yet only starting from the second pricing plan on each (Leadpages Pro and Instapage Professional). Without split testing, the entire concept of landing pages kind of loses half of its value, since the primary idea is to maximize conversions. This is something to consider when choosing between the pricing plans (more on that – in the next section).

Another important distinguishing factor is the ease of collaboration: whether you’re a freelance professional or an agency working with clients – or conducting marketing activities for your in-house needs – it’s rare to work in complete isolation. Each marketing project has various team members and stakeholders, and they should be able to participate in each step of the process seamlessly. In this respect Instapage clearly takes the gold, offering a one of a kind collaboration system with instant feedback and real-time from any member, as well as secure sharing with anyone, from your fellow team members to your client’s legal/compliance depts. This set of features allows successfully eliminating many bottlenecks faced by marketing teams and make the process of landing page roll-out much more efficient. While also focussing on real-time editing, Leadpages doesn’t quite match the power of Instapage’s collaboration interface at the moment.

Price Comparison

Each of the platforms offers three pricing plans, the simplest targeted to individuals and freelancers, the medium being the most value-for-money option for most teams since it includes A/B testing, and the advanced plan focussed on bringing maximum features for large enterprises and agencies.

The starter plans are priced very similarly, with Leadpages Standard at $25 and Instapage Basic at $29 with annual billing. The mid-range solutions with A/B testing included cost $48 per month for Leadpages Pro and $55 for Instapage Professional. Since Leadpages offers significant discounts from its monthly-based billing levels, in case of both packages they have a slight upper hand when it comes to pricing. The most powerful kits pack even more extra features and will set you back $127 per month for Instapage Premium and a hefty $199 for Leadpages Advanced, giving the former a clear lead in this segment.

It is worth noting that Instapage offers a 2-week trial period with full functionality, without having to input your credit card details, while Leadpages does not let you try out the product without making a purchase. You can give Leadpages a test drive by buying one month of Standard subscription for $37 (note the difference vs the annual billing cycle mentioned above) and cancelling any time during that period: the company offers a 30-day money back guarantee.

Conclusion: Which One is Better?

Choosing between Instapage and Leadpages is not an easy task: both offer highly capable and closely similar platforms for building and managing landing pages. After a more detailed consideration, one can see that Instapage is slightly ahead in terms of features, especially collaboration possibilities, while Leadpages is priced slightly lower for both the basic and mid-range plan. Adding the fact that you need to pay up-front to even test Leadpages, though, our preferences go to Instapage in this comparison.

Have questions about Instapage vs Leadpages? Using one or the other (or both) and would like to add your opinion? We’ll be glad to hear it out in the comments section below, let’s discuss!

Switch to Bento on your Existing Website and Get a Free Expansion Pack

Are you a website owner? Feeling like your WordPress-based website could use a “renovation”? Then our Bento could be just what you need. It is a carefully crafted free WordPress theme which combines clean, modern design with unlimited customization possibilities. Bento is preferred by thousands of webmasters and web developers around the world because of how simple yet powerful the theme is, as well as for friendly support and regular updates.

Why switch to Bento?

Bento is the perfect choice for a cost-conscious webmaster – why pay hundreds of dollars elsewhere for the same level of quality? Among other things, Bento users especially like:

  • Visual Content Builder with an easy drag-and-drop interface
  • Unlimited colour choice for any website element
  • Mobile-friendliness and retina-readiness
  • Optimized, lean code for high load speed and good SEO
  • Customizable grid layouts and other templates
  • Detailed manual covering all important setup and usage issues

The Expansion Pack adds tons of juicy features to Bento, including a framework to build a professional portfolio showcase, customizable pop-ups to retain leaving visitors that get triggered on specific user actions, beautiful pre-made page layouts for the Content Builder, video headers, and much more.

The website applying for the Bento Expansion Pack upgrade should fulfill the following criteria:

  1. The domain of the website should be at least 1 year old, i.e. it must have been registered at least 12 months ago, as reported by Whois tools.
  2. The website should have incoming links from at least 10 different domains; we analyze and monitor links using the Ahrefs toolkit.
  3. The website should not use any black-hat SEO practices or contain adult or prohibited content. We retain the right to cancel the deal at our own discretion.

The only thing we ask in return is leaving the link to the Bento theme in the footer of your website, or, in case your website is in a similar niche – a post in your blog feed about Bento.

To get your free copy of the Expansion Pack, message us using this contact form, providing the URL of your website. Take the chance to make your website look and feel more like it’s 2016!

Paperform Review: Should You Choose This Form Builder in 2024?

Pretty much anytime you need to collect information from your visitors, you’ll need an online form – whether you need to convert leads into customers, or gather RSVPs for an event.

There’s one tool that goes a step further.

Paperform transcends the traditional form builder by letting you create more than a form, more than a landing page – we call it a “landing form”. Think sleek-looking, customizable user data input pages that can analyze form data to increase conversions!

In this detailed review, we will cover the ins and outs of Paperform and discuss the following questions:

  • 🦄What is unique about Paperform?
  • 📊How does it perform compared to alternatives?
  • 💰Which pricing options are available?
  • 👤Who should use Paperform and why?

Before we delve into the details of Paperform, let’s get a quick overview of the product:

What Is Paperform?

Paperform is all about allowing anyone to easily create online forms without any technical knowledge. Thanks to Paperform’s intuitive and visual editor, it makes creating forms as easy as writing an online doc.

Try Paperform for free ›

No matter the need, Paperform’s 300+ templates are versatile and dynamic enough to be used when you find yourself needing an all inclusive tool for the following situations:

  • Feedback and evaluation forms – gather feedback and aggregate the results with a range of integrations. Choose over 20 question types to maximise responses and use the Theme menu to change images, colours, and other UI elements to brand your form.
  • Bookings and appointment forms – use the special appointments question type to accept bookings and appointments and connect your calendar so there are no scheduling conflicts. Defaults like timezone are set for you, or you can use the Configure menu to customize the length of a booking, or, have it calculated automatically based upon respondents’ answers.
  • Lead generation forms – convert website visitors by keeping your leads focused and engaged from start to submission through creating a painless, aesthetic form. You can analyse views, completion rates and find out where your customer dropped off so you can learn from customer behaviour to improve your form and increase your conversions.
  • Safely accept payments – both one-off and recurring subscriptions in multiple currencies through over 1000+ integrations (!) including Stripe, PayPal and Square.
  • Collect data – seamlessly gather all types of data like images, text, files, phone numbers, and signatures. Then, export the data in PDF, CSV, or Word formats to easily manage — forget about the hassles of an excel sheet or legacy database.
  • Generate invoices and quotes – your forms are able to produce automatic purchase documents based on customers’ actions – which means you can email receipts and custom PDFs to your customers without lifting a finger.

How does Paperform deliver on these use cases? Let’s see if there’s anything that makes Paperform stand out from other form builders:

Paperform Features

Paperform makes it easy to create and personalize your online forms and and landing pages. Like most other similar tools, the Paperform builder doesn’t require you to know even the slightest bit of coding to use any of its features.

Conditional logic: forget about rigid forms that have customers exiting out of frustration before they can even submit it. No customer appreciates that, and you’ll definitely score some brownie points by making form-filling a breeze. Paperform’s conditional logic helps you do just that.

This form feature enables your forms to be dynamic and interactive, showing and hiding fields according to respondents’ answers. This means you can create a personalized conversation for a more engaging experience (and hence more form completions).

Paperform: conditional logic

If you want to customize your forms further to really wow your customer, you can opt to have your form pre-fill answers, automatically inserting information from the previous answers.

Third-party integrations: Paperform supports over 1000 of them, allowing you to automate workflows and reduce costs and bottlenecks.

The beauty of this feature is that you can integrate your apps directly so that you can improve the functionality of your forms and increase your productivity. Paperform integrations allow you to collect signatures, store and analyze volumes of data and generally simplify your workflows.

Advanced form analytics allows you to take one look and really gauge the behavior of not just your customers, but all the prospects who have viewed your forms.

You don’t have to churn your own butter, so why manually analyze data sets? Leave this to Paperform Analytics. The dashboard lets you view critical information like completion rates, drop-off questions and forms views at a click of a button.

Paperform analytics

Being able to view form submissions, sales figures and incomplete submissions allows you to better understand your customers and see exactly what question they were up to when they exited the form, meaning you can improve your design, questions or functionality exactly where it’s needed to improve response rates and increase conversions.

Export all this data to the destination of your choice. You can then manage it from Google Sheet, your favourite CRM software, or any one of the 25 analytics apps you can integrate on Paperform.

Calculations can be incorporated into your website, landing pages and forms in a matter of minutes to combine, transform and manipulate answers live on your forms. From simple sub-scores to complex displays of logic, “Calculations” is a special form field in Paperform that you can wield to do a range of things.

Complex price calculations are made easy, automatically calculating and updating costs and quotes in real time based on varying factors.

A form, for example, can use a calculation field to determine the price of a rental period. After choosing room size and length of stay, the calculation updates live on the form.

Document-style builder allows you to create a form with Papeform in much the same way as you would create a Microsoft Word document. Simply type free-text directly where you want it on the page. You can easily and intuitively add questions with logic and add payment/donation fields, or even use HTML/CSS if you’d like:

Paperform doc-style editor

Unlike most other form toolkits, Paperform makes the process of creating a form almost like writing a story. All you have to do is type anywhere onto the page and insert fields – quick and easy, once you get used to the idea.

Speaking of the form builder:

Form Builder, Templates, and Design

To start using the Paperform builder, you can sign up for a free 14 day trial. Simply enter a few details, and you can get creating interactive forms:

Sign up for a 14-day Paperform trial ›

The Paperform dashboard is where users can select create form and choose to either start from a blank canvas or one of the hundreds ready-made templates.

Paperform: start

The available design options range from a restaurant order form template to “What Kind Of Dragon Are You” quiz template… in other words – there will be a format for whatever you need.

After you’ve selected a template, you can customize it as little or as much as you like. Just as you would with a Word document, simply highlight the text you’ve entered to style your text in different headings and fonts.

Once you’ve selected a line of writing, you can insert different kinds of content using the panel that appears alongside it on the left:

Paperform: editor

While most other form builders feature a drag and drop interface, Paperform’s free form editor lets you type your questions wherever you want, just as you would on a Word document. You can click anywhere, type anywhere and easily add pictures, videos, products and more.

You can choose to insert images, embed videos and use breaks to divide the form into different sections of content.

Paperform have made adding questions super simple: select the line and choose the ‘add questions’ option.

From there, you can use any one of the 23 question types including multiple choice, email, and drop-downs. If you then head to the dashboard, you can configure the questions as well as duplicate, move, and delete them.


You can also personalize your landing pages or forms in terms of visual style, using an interface that looks eerily familiar to anyone who’s ever used WordPress or a similar CMS:

Paperform styling

The ‘Theme’ menu is where you can pick the overall theme of your form or page, play with colours, and change the fonts, logos and buttons.

Paperform also has a feature allowing you to import themes which is a huge score if you want to create multiple forms with identical design and saves you from needlessly re-creating your favorite form.

Sounds great for far! Where can all this form goodness be used? The answer is: almost everywhere 🚀

Paperform Use Cases

Regardless of your field of activity, if you need to collect information from site visitors, Paperform has got your back:

Running a small business is hard work and you often have a finger in every pie. Paperform has made it super simple for anyone to kickstart their business online by creating forms and landing pages in a matter of minutes without having any technical skills.

Collecting information from your customers is a breeze through the generous selection of question types such as e-signature, eCommerce products and email. The forms are easily customizable to match your branding.

Convert more real estate leads by creating aesthetic, user-friendly forms that also have the ability to automatically send invoices and follow up emails, automating your workflow so you can spend more time doing the important things — selling houses.

Accepting payments and subscriptions is just as easy — Paperform integrates with popular payment services like Stripe, PayPal, and Square. After a purchase is made, a custom PDF receipt can then be automatically sent to your customer. Customers can select multiple products, and pricing can be calculated automatically based on certain criteria, helping to manage your inventory — so you don’t have to.

Organising events requires a lot of multitasking. With end-to-end automation available to manage registrations, vendors, ticketing and reporting, event management is made simple. Conditional logic allows a smooth registration process so you can collect important information all in the one place.

Don’t forget to check in on the success of your forms using the analytics dashboard 📈 Measure views, completion rates and see where your respondent dropped off answering their question.

Oh, and don’t worry, your forms look great on any device (well, maybe apart from a smart watch)

Marketing automation, i.e. any activity that deals with collecting leads and converting them into sales on a massive scale is another important field of application for Paperform.

Simple fact: easy to use, appealing forms and landing pages convert better. With Paperform, you can leverage the analytics dashboard to monitor performance and gain deeper insights into your customers’ behaviour. Create a seamless customer experience, tailored to the individual user to boost your conversion rate through using conditional logic.

Built-in email automation means you can easily set up automatic responses to be sent to everyone who interacts with your forms and landing pages. With over 25 messaging and email app integrations available, you can schedule your emails and SMS’ in advance — you’ll never have to manually send an email again.

As a cherry on top, a huge time-saving benefit is the ability to easily transfer form data and leads to any one of the 130+ CRM tools, including Hubspot and Marketo – no repeated manual work required.

Pricing: Should You Get Paperform?

As we mentioned earlier, Paperform is free for the first two weeks; after that, you can choose between one of the three available subscription plans:

The Essentials plan starts at $15 per month ($12.5 with early billing) and is ideal for businesses which want to create simple forms and don’t expect too many users or submissions.

If you use online forms on a regular basis and want the maximum benefit of all available features, the Pro and Agency plans allow you to take your form making to the next level with the ability to add fields such as calculations and scoring.

Paperform pricing

If you belong to a registered NPO or charity, you can apply to receive special discounted Paperform subscription prices. “Pay what you want” is offered on the Pro tier and the Agency tier is discounted at 50%.

Regardless of your needs, it is recommended to give Paperform a spin before committing to a subscription; the 14-day trial is definitely a good idea:

Try Paperform for free ›

In any case, now you have more information to decide whether Paperform is right for you. If you’re after a hassle-free, user-friendly form builder with serious extension and intergration options, this might be the one.